All Motorcycle Mufflers are not good for motorcycles! We can list numerous reasons to prove this statement true. Are all these reasons necessary to be fulfilled as features in a motorcycle muffler? Or there is something else that makes the standard for this? Well, both these questions are true because to be good is relative. What is good for you is not necessarily meant to be good for me as well. But again, this

To know what a good motorcycle muffler is, first we need to know what makes mufflers bad for motorcycles. A good motorcycle muffler must have a stainless look because a stained muffler will make your motorcycle looks very bad. Due to these welding stains this muffler will leave very bad impression even at the owner of the bike. If a muffler fails to fulfill this condition, it's not good for your motorcycle.
If you're buying a new muffler for the sake of increased horse power and the one you're going to buy is not capable of doing that, then it's a bad muffler for your motorcycle. Instead of this muffler, you should buy a muffler that has an increased horse power because this is the reason that you're buying a new motorcycle muffler.
Motorcycle Mufflers that have low performance level are not good for your motorcycles. Before buying a motorcycle muffler, you need to ask for a proof of its performance or it will soon fall flat on the ground and you'll have to buy another muffler for your motorcycle. Good motorcycle muffler manufacturers put performance charts of their mufflers at their websites. You can search them online.
There are States that have their laws regarding noise limits. If a motorcycle muffler is perfect in all senses but fails to fulfill the requirements of these laws and you have to pay fines for this, these mufflers are bad for your motorcycle. Before buying a motorcycle muffler note whether it's an EPA-compliant muffler to not.
Durability is one more important point to be considered while buying a motorcycle muffler. This very feature is linked with all other features of a motorcycle muffler. If a muffler is not durable, it may harm its looks, its muffling function and thus will increase its sound from the standard limits. If a muffler is not durable, it will start corroding and will soon be malfunctioning. This will make it a bad muffler for your motorcycle. So, buying a durable motorcycle muffler is very much important to make it good for your motorcycle.
There are Motorcycle Mufflers that are manufactured using alloys like stainless steel 304. This stainless steel grade is famous for durability and mufflers manufactured by using this material are non-corrosive and very much resistant. The basic function of a motorcycle muffler is to muffle out the hot gases coming from the engine so that they can't produce loud noise and also from environment protection perspective.
From http://www.articlesbase.com/