วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Touring Mighigan's Upper Penninsula By Motorcycle

One of the reasons I ride is for the spirit of facing the road and life with a can-do attitude, and another is for the joy of seeing the landscape unfold. If that's part of your riding psyche, too, you'll feel right at home in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, or "The U.P." as the locals call it. Stretching 310 miles from Sault Ste. Marie near its eastern end to Ironwood near its western border, it's a wild land separated from the Lower Peninsula by the Mackinac Bridge, and from Detroit (293 miles to the south) by major cultural differences.

I was born and raised in Michigan's western Lower Peninsula, and can remember in grade school singing the unofficial state song, "Michigan, My Michigan" (to the tune of "Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum"). In the 1970s I used to ride up into the U.P. on vacation. Despite a move to California more than 30 years ago I still return to my hometown, but had not been back to the U.P. since 1975. That's why I was especially enthused about the opportunity to ride there for a few fall days last October.

On this latest trip I found the U.P. refreshingly unchanged, and rather than my early 1970s Honda CB450 I was now riding an Electra Glide Classic borrowed from Bald Eagle Harley-Davidson in Marquette. I was also accompanied by Brad Kolbus, from Munising, on his Road King; he publishes a rider's guide to the U.P., seems to know everybody, and knows where to ride and what to see.

Just after we began riding along the Superior lakeshore by Marquette Bay, I immediately pulled Brad over at a vision that seemed right out of a Star Wars movie to ask, "What the heck is that?" It was a huge structure, massive and gray, and hundreds of feet long, a succession of high, close-set concrete archways extending out into the water. Brad informed me that it was the old Lower Harbor Ore Dock, now no longer in use. Railroad cars full of iron ore were shunted onto it, workmen lowered chutes and the ore rattled noisily into the holds of the huge ore carriers that used to dock here.

Next we ride west, where we note signs of the approaching fall season: Pontoon boats up on blocks, firewood neatly stacked on porches and the leaves turning yellow. We reach Big Bay; this little town was the scene of a murder in 1951 that inspired the book Anatomy of a Murder, and the 1959 movie by the same name starring Jimmy Stewart and Lee Remick. We grab lunch at the Thunder Bay Inn, which was the setting for scenes in the classic film. The pub in which we dine was built onto the hotel for the filming.

Though Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario are referred to as "The Great Lakes," they're actually great inland seas. In Munising I board a 60-foot observation boat for a cruise along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. The captain informs us that Superior alone contains enough fresh water to cover the entire continental United States to a depth of 5 feet! It's cool and blustery this day, and once we clear Grand Island we're in Lake Superior proper where the waves begin to rock and roll. Most of the patrons abandon the cold, windswept open viewing area on top for the glass-enclosed seating on the main deck, as I consider abandoning my lunch over the side. All along the Pictured Rocks we're treated to a humorous, running commentary about the rock cliffs that have been eroded by eons of wind, rain and freezing weather, and painted in shades of brown, tan and green by the runoff of the limonite, copper, iron and manganese. We sail past caves, arches and a rock called the Indian's Head. A wide, filmy waterfall drops like a veil from the striated cliffs.

The next day Brad and I ride from Munising east on M28 along what is called "the Seney Stretch," 25 straight miles through scrubland full of stunted trees and pines. Thirty-some years ago I had stopped in Seney to commemorate that it was right here, where Highways 28 and 77 intersect, that a young Ernest Hemingway had disembarked the train in 1919. Wounded in World War I, Hemingway had hiked north to fish the Fox River, and would later fictionalize the experience in one of his Nick Adams stories called The Big Two-Hearted River. But wait, the Two Heart is actually well north of here; did Hemingway get it wrong? Nope. Like a true fisherman, he had misnamed the river in an attempt to keep his favorite fishing spot a secret.

We ride eastward on a tree-lined two-lane road, and when we pass the sign for Deer Park I recall camping near it on Muskallonge Lake in the '70s. My evening was enlivened when five raccoons came snuffling up from the lake, begging on their hind legs. I gave them some bread, and half an hour later was toasting marshmallows over the fire when something tapped me on the shoulder. Startled, I turned around to find a raccoon, and when I turned back another was running off with the toasted marshmallow as two others were hot-footing it into the darkness with the entire bag between them! They don't wear those little bandit masks for nothing!

Lake Superior is cold, gray and whitecapped on this blustery day, and when the rain begins I huddle into my electric gear and crank the thermostat to "weld." The Classic's fairing and lowers keep the worst of the weather off me, and Gordon Lightfoot's haunting dirge "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" plays through the stereo on our ride to The Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum on Whitefish Point. The song recounts the sea disaster that occurred on November 10, 1975, when the ore carrier sank in a storm with all 29 men, just 17 miles northwest of here. In the Museum's boathouse I meet Tom Farnquist, executive director of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society. Speculation is that the SS Edmund Fitzgerald was too close to Caribou Island some 40 miles northeast of here, where 35-foot seas in 45 feet of water allowed the carrier to strike bottom, which damaged her hull and caused her to take on water. She eventually broke in two and sank in 535 feet of water off Whitefish Point. Farnquist has dived on the wreck and personally helped recover the ship's bell, which now comprises the centerpiece of the museum.

Dinner was at the Antlers Restaurant in Sault Ste. Marie, which was packed this Friday night. Yeah, it's a Yooper place all right, with trophy heads and stuffed wildlife arranged along the walls and among the rafters. Suddenly, a siren sounds, lights flash and we ask the waitress what the heck's going on. "Oh, they do that every time they open a new keg," she explains.

In the morning we cross the street from our motel for a view of the famous Soo Locks. Unfortunately, at this particular moment there's not a ship in sight. The International Bridge looms in the distance with Canada just across the way.

It's about a 55-mile freeway ride south to the Mackinac Bridge, then we turn westward on Highway 2 through low scrubland with Lake Michigan on our left. In Blaney Park Brad introduces me to Steve Zellar, who puts on an annual motorcycle event called The Blaney Park Rendezvous. He gives us a tour of his expansive campground that accommodated 3,000 riders last year; his 2010 rally will be held June 18-20.

The thumb-shaped Garden Peninsula hangs down into Lake Michigan, and is home to Fayette Historic State Park. Fayette was established in 1867 as an iron-smelting operation with huge furnaces, an extensive dock and homes; about 500 people lived and worked here. When the charcoal iron market declined, the operation was discontinued in 1891 and Fayette was abandoned. Today, it has been left as an arrested ruin, a gift from the past with its unpainted foreman's houses, the old hotel and castlelike stone remains of the smelter on picturesque Snail Shell Harbor.

We stop in Nahma at the Nahma Inn, a bed & breakfast with 14 charming rooms and a full bar and restaurant. Brad introduces me to owners Charley and Laurie Macintosh (he seems to know everybody) who are planning a bike event there in the near future. Next door is the old general store, which was abandoned in the '50s with some of its merchandise still intact. Its owner, a gentleman named Pat, gives us a tour of its time-capsule interior.

Brad leads us up H13 north into Alger County, and this fall Sunday afternoon we enjoy the turning leaves as the Harley feels surprisingly nimble following the road's hills and gentle curves. Every few miles a trail or two-tracks leads off into the yellow woods, where muddy dirt bikes and ATVs disappear; we long to follow them into the forest.

From there it's west where we visit Da Yoopers Tourist Trap near Ishpeming. As an ex-Michigander it was just as corny as I'd hoped, with life-sized dioramas of a Jeep driven by a deer with a hunter tied across the hood, of deer playing cards, the place full of Yooper bumper stickers and souvenirs. Out front is "Gus," the world's largest running/working chain saw (it's in The Guinness Book of Records), and "Big Ernie," the largest working rifle.

The ghost town of Fayette serves as a symbol for much of the U.P. that, unfortunately, is suffering economically.

Along the roads are abandoned homes and factories. Tourism is now the main economic driver in the area, and there is much about the U.P. to love. To me, the true charm of the place-with its pines and cedars, maples and birches, hidden lakes and bays, and rustic cabins-is how the whole thing comes together. On this fall Sunday we rumble along backroads to The Up North Lodge near Gwinn. The sunlight dapples the red-and-yellow maple leaves, and there's a cool dampness in the air from a recent passing shower. We tromp inside as the fragrance of wood smoke wafts from the stone fireplace. Many patrons turn to nod and greet us. Burgers and pollock, ribs, whitefish and smelt populate the menu, and a football game illuminates the big screen. This welcoming, rustic friendliness confirms that this truly is still Michigan...my Michigan.

By: Bill Stermer
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
To read more articles like this one, go to ridermagazine.com.

Motorized Bicycles Are Becoming Increasingly Popular

A revolutionary form of transport is a real need for highly urbanized in the world today, so that people can reach their desired destination in no time. However, since the current global economic crisis, gas prices are inconsistent. For this reason, vehicles such as motorized bicycles are becoming increasingly popular.

Motorized bicycles are great for people who are already tired of the endless traffic jams on the road. And buying it allows you to spend less. Therefore, if you need a cheap mode of transport, motorized bicycle is just the thing.

The first thing you need to do is basically find out what you really want in a motorized bicycle. Would you like motorized bicycle with power assist pedaling, one with a spiral gas, or both? Do you want one that folds?

Primarily, you have to look around and explore a variety of bikes first. Then, get ideas for each of them. This allows you to assess and differentiate.

After, you must now look for motorized bicycle which meets the requirements, and which is ultimately the matter. It is suggested that you can check this on the Internet. In addition, you can also read the various motorized bicycle product reviews on the World Wide Web. It is good to use a method that you want to be better.

The motorized bicycle is ideal for the person who has either lost their driver's license or has no license, because it provides a reliable means of transport without any licensing requirements.

If you bicycle for exercise, you can be assured that a motorized bicycle allows you to pedal, but with little effort. You can climb hills more easily and to travel farther than a traditional bicycle. Compared with the bike, motorized bicycle, you can still achieve fitness goals, but provide additional benefits to riding a feeling invigorated from the fresh air and strengthen the muscles without being sore.

Using a motorized bicycle for commuting back and forth through the work to clear the mind and keep your mood good all day. When you drive a motorized bicycle to work, you do not have to worry too much sweating, which may be a problem with the traditional bicycle on warm days. You move the motorized bicycle faster, which increases the wind chill, which keeps you cool.

Once you get to work, you have a few minutes to relax, because the time spared by not having to travel by bus or go through an embarrassing search for a parking space.

Motorized Bicycle gives adults of all ages a sense of freedom. They are suitable for people of all fitness levels, and motorized bicycle to travel from the brawl in densely populated areas. Moreover, riding motorized bicycle is a great environment and easy on the conscience. So, choose your motor round to adjust your lifestyle, and enjoy.

By: Bob Louis
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
MBB Imports is a world class importer of Motorized bicycle, 2 Stroke Bike, 4 Stroke Bike. Call 0405 245 430

วันอังคารที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Great Ways To Accessorize Your Motorcycle Helmet

....If you've purchased a plain black half helmet or full face helmet and want to give a little extra something to liven it up a little, you could try a number of different things....

Are you tired of having to wear that plain old, boring motorcycle helmet that has no style or class whatsoever? Do you want to spice things up a bit and stir up a little attention with the motorcycle helmet that you wear when you head out on that long trip with a big group of riders? There are a number of ways that you can accessorize your helmet to give it a little more flare, rather than settling for the stock helmet with no decoration at all.

If you've purchased a plain black half helmet or full face helmet and want to give a little extra something to liven it up a little, you could try a number of different things. First, and on of the most popular helmet accessories on the market is the motorcycle helmet Mohawk. This item is a pretty simple design which has become very popular over the years. The helmet Mohawk is made of hundreds of little threadlike fiber strand which are attached to a single strap that is typically about 15" to 17" long. The strands are fastened to the strap in a row to form what looks like a Mohawk. Attached to the strap are a number of suction cups which stick to the helmet to make the entire thing stand on end, giving your helmet the appearance of having a Mohawk. Helmet Mohawks come in a number of different colors including red, blue, yellow, orange, green, and more.

Another great item that you can purchase to accessorize your motorcycle helmet is the helmet Blade Warhawk, which is essentially the same concept as the helmet Mohawk, but with little items that look like the blades of a saw. So when you affix the saw blade strap to your head, it looks like you have a saw blade that has chopped through the middle your helmet and is now protruding outward from the helmet. This items are built in the same manner as the traditional Mohawk and are typically only available in the color black.

If you're simply looking to add some more graphics or stickers to your motorcycle helmet, you may want to consider looking into rhinestone patches or word stickers that can be attached to your helmet. This items are easy to find and can be easily attached to your helmet to give it a little extra character.

Accessorizing your motorcycle helmet does not have to be a chore and can be done by choosing from a number of different items including the motorcycle helmet Mohawk, blade Warhawk, rhinestone helmet patches, and word stickers.

By: Matt LeClair
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Shop for motorcycle helmet mohawks, motorcycle helmets, and other great biker gear.

Motorcycle Apparel - 4 Key Apparel Items For Every Motorcycle Outfit

Motorcycle apparel is a very popular shopping
category that contains a number of items that many are shopping for in order to get themselves equipped for the riding season. There are a number of different items within the category of motorcycle apparel that will benefit you this year and will be a great investment for you before you head out on your motorcycle for those long journeys.

Motorcycle Jackets

One of the most important pieces of apparel is the motorcycle jacket which helps keep you warm and also helps protect your arms and torso from road rash if the leather is thick enough and the quality is high enough. Leather motorcycle jackets are available in a number of different styles and are available in a wide range of prices so you'll be sure to find a jacket that will fit your budget.

Leather Chaps

Another great piece of the puzzle, leather chaps also help keep you warm by protecting your legs from the cold temps and cool winds while you're riding on your motorcycle. Leather chaps also help protect your legs from any debris that may come flying off the road. There are also a number of different styles available, and most chaps come in the same high quality leather that motorcycle jackets are available in. Want a little extra warmth? You may want to consider purchasing a pair of lined chaps which will contain a little more insulation to provide more warmth for you on those cold rides.

Leather Vests

If you're looking to add a little more style to your entire wardrobe, then you would also enjoy a nice leather motorcycle vest which would help provide an extra layer of insulation to your outfit at the same time. Leather motorcycle vests can be made of a number of different materials including cowhide leather, buffalo leather, or lambskin. Vests can come with or without laces and the same for pockets, they can have multiple pockets or none at all.

Leather Motorcycle Gloves

One final piece of motorcycle apparel that is worth mentioning is the motorcycle gloves, which are an important piece of apparel that can be used to help protect your hands from the cold and flying dirt and debris while riding on your motorcycle. Leather motorcycle gloves can come in a number of different styles including fingerless, full finger, padded, mesh, and more. Not only do gloves keep your hands warm and protect them from debris, but they also protect them from painful chaffing that typically is experience after holding onto the handlebars for an extended period of time. Gloves help keeps your hands comfortable.

By: Matt LeClair
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Shop for motorcycle apparel items including motorcycle jackets, leather vests, leather chaps, and more. Protect yourself on every motorcycle trip with high quality motorcycle helmets.

Motorcycle Helmets: A Beginners Guide – The Agv K3 Series

...The K3 also comes with a clear, anti-scratch and anti-fog polycarbonate Street 8 visor, a visor that will enable you have to an excellent level of visibility...

Are you a beginner in the world of motorcycles? Uncertain which motorcycle helmet to choose? They are many excellent brands and designs out there, but the favourite among newbie motorcyclist is the AGV K3 helmet. It’s a durable inexpensive helmet that is ideal for those on a budget.

The AGV K3 series is a comfortable helmet, lined with a removable and washable lining made of Dry Lex fabric – a fabric that owns moisture transport capabilities, which in turn, keeps the head area dry. The AGV K3 also owns an excellent ventilation system – an ideal tool to keep you cool as you cruise along those roads. The ventilation system comprises of an air intake system, which includes two air vents on the front of the helmet and one front mouth vent, as well as two rear extractors that are found at the back of the helmet.

The K3 also comes with a clear, anti-scratch and anti-fog polycarbonate Street 8 visor, a visor that will enable you have to an excellent level of visibility. However, this alone could not stop the visor from steaming up, so a visor ratchet system has been added to allow a small amount of air in (it works by opening up the visor at a variety of angles), so as to clear up the fog.

It also has a High Resistant Thermoplastic Resin shell – a strong material that protects your head from direct impact. This material has the added advantage of being relatively light, meaning it can be carried around easily. The thermoplastic is also painted, hence you can find many styles that are fun and individual, but still the most popular colour is black. Although, white is the most visible colour it is not so widely used due to the fashionable image of the motorcyclist all clad in black.

Furthermore, the K3’s micro metric buckle, also known as Double D lock mechanism, is an excellent accessory that allows you to easily adjust the strap and is available on the K3 model, however, if you prefer a quick release system (the XQRS) the K3 basic model is for you.
The K3 is an ideal helmet, with a number of key features that aim to keep you safe, comfortable and cool. When choosing a motorcycle helmet, always remember to find a good fit that is comfortable.

By: Marie Coles
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
The AGV K3 and other Motorcycle Helmets are available at: www.visorshop.com

What Dirt Bike To Buy For My Kid?

Are you thinking about buying a dirt bike for your kid but don't know which bike to choose or look for? Well, this will give you info about the name brand bikes for kids and help you make a decision. Choosing the right bike for your young rider can be very important, especially if they've never ridden before. Kids start riding as young as three years old, so basically once they are able to ride a bicycle without training wheels they should be capable of riding a dirt bike. And please don't put training wheels on a little dirt bike, that just defeats the purpose. There are a few factors that come in to play when finding the right dirt bike for a kid. Age, experience, size, and where you are going to ride all come in to play when looking for a bike. There are 50, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 125, and 150cc four-stroke dirt bikes that are mostly meant for off-road and trail riding. For the smaller two-stroke dirt bikes, there are a couple different 50s, 65s, and 85cc bikes. These are used for motocross racing.

Off-Road Bikes

There are a few different 50cc dirt bikes, but the most common is the Honda CRF50F/XR50R. This is where dirt biking starts for every little kid that has never ridden before. These things are almost bullet proof if you maintain it properly. If you are looking for a first bike for a kid that is under 7 then this is probably the best choice, unless they are bigger/taller than the norm. There is also the Suzuki JR50, Kawasaki KDX50 and Yamaha PW50; all of which are oil-injected 2-strokes that are very light and perfect for the smallest of riders, and the Yamaha TTR-50 which is about the same as the CRF, so it just depends what color you like best.

70 & 80cc

Honda made the CRF/XR70 and 80cc bikes for kids that are just starting, but a little too big for a 50cc. The 70 has a taller seat height with a little more power than the 50, but the 80 has a clutch which is perfect for training the little ones without letting them ride on a fast bike.


Honda has been known for their XR/CRF100 which reaches to a variety of riders. It has a clutch and is just right for the older kids to learn on if they are too big for the CRF80F. The 100 is a great trail bike because it has just enough power, and it's also big enough for an adult, so this bike should be easy to find used, and cheap I might add. Kawasaki and Suzuki decided to make the ultimate pit bike for kids and adults. The KLX110/DRZ110 (Parts are interchangeable) has become popular because of how much power it has, or is able to put out, for its size. The 110 is an automatic, so it's great for smaller riders that want more power than a 70 without going to a clutch yet. Yamaha also has a bigger off-road bike for kids, the TTR-125. The TTR-125 is a popular model for bigger kids just starting out. It has a clutch with enough power to haul riders around, young or old. Honda also has the CRF150F for riders that want more power and a taller ride height than the 100. Although the set-back for the 150 is that it weighs about as much as a full-size motocross bike. These mid-sized off-road bikes are popular for a reason, and this means that they have usually been ridden a lot and probably abused. So if you're looking at buying a used one then make sure it is clean, it has somewhat low hours, and has been well maintained.

Motocross Bikes

There are a couple different name-brand 50cc motocross bikes for kids, and they are both KTM two-strokes. KTM has the 50 SX Mini, which is for the smallest beginning racers. There is also the 50 SX which is bigger and suits a little taller beginning racer. These bikes both have a one-speed automatic transmission and are liquid-cooled. KTM 50s are expensive, but they are perfect race bikes for your little kids that are ready to tear up the tracks. There are also Chinese companies with 50cc motocross bikes, such as LEM, Cobra, and others.


KTM and Kawasaki are the only name brand companies that still make a 65cc two-stroke motocross bike. KTM has the 65 SX which is more expensive and usually the racers that are serious buy them. Right from the factory KTM puts aftermarket parts on their bikes, such as VForce reeds on the two-strokes, handlebars, and Brembo brakes. The Kawasaki KX65 is what riders that just want to race buy because they are so cheap. That does not mean that they aren't fast, they just aren't always as reliable and don't have a very high re-sale value. Both are great race bikes for intermediate younger riders in around the age 7-10 that have been riding for some time. These bikes are usually not used for trail riding because they are not as easy to ride and lug around as a four-stroke is.


85cc motocross bikes are the start for a young teen aged racer. They have more power than most any kid could use, which makes these bikes a blast for adults or adrenaline-junkies as well. KTM, Suzuki, Kawasaki, and Yamaha all make an 85cc two-stroke mx bike. Honda put a stop to their two-stroke inventory after 2007, but people still buy their late model bikes. Instead, Honda wanted to start a revolution for mini-bikes with their all new 150cc four-stroke motocross bike. It was well talked about, but once it came out it died slowly. They are powerful bikes and are easier to ride than an 85, but the weight and cost lost it for them. Usually these CRF150R's (Big and small wheel) were bought by racers with money because they also needed quite a bit of maintenance. If you have money and your kid loves the easy ride-ability of a four-stroke then this would be a good race bike to buy. If you don't have a deep pocket, then an 85 or 100/105cc two-stroke stroke is a great choice. Your kid will love you for getting them one of these bikes; before they flip it at least once, that is. If you find someone selling a used 85 that hasn't been flipped, then you're either lucky or they're lying. 85s are pretty much race-only bikes. I've trail-ridden with one, and it was not very fun because of the lack of power down low. The Honda CR85R and Yamaha YZ85 hit harder and are more snappy than the others because they don't have a power valve. KTM's 85 SX comes with aftermarket goodies from the factory like all of their other bikes, so it's probably the fastest out of the lot. Kawasaki's KX85 and Suzuki's RM85 are very similar and are used by many riders that are on a budget because of how cheap they can be. Honda and Suzuki both have a larger wheel 85, which helps those taller kids that quite aren't ready for a 125 or 250f. Kawasaki and KTM have a big-bore 85 to compete in the supermini class (86-112cc). Kawasaki's KX100 is a big wheel and has plenty of power for any young racer. KTM has a 105 SX which is one of the best power-to-weight ratio bikes you can buy, and also has larger wheels. When it comes down to choosing an 85,100/105, or a 150cc four-stroke motocross bike for your kid, it depends how big your pocketbook is, what fits your kid, and what color you like best. If you know what bike you want to get, check out my article "How To Buy A Dirt Bike". Thanks for viewing, and good luck buying the right bike for your kid.

By: Tom Stark
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
View the official article on Motocross Hideout here: What Dirt Bike To Buy For My Kid? Click here to learn about trail riding: Dirt Bike Trails

วันอังคารที่ 9 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Motorcycle Helmet Mohawks - The Perfect Accessory For Any Helmet

.....The helmet Mohawk is one item that can really help spice up your helmet if you've got just the basic flat black coloring or a minimal amount of graphics.....

The motorcycle helmet is one of the most visible pieces of equipment that the motorcyclists wears on every ride that is taken, and sometimes riders want to be able to show off a little by sporting the latest and greatest accessories. One of the hottest items on the market today are the motorcycle helmet Mohawks for a number of reasons including the fact that they can add a little more color and creativity to the helmet, they allow the rider to express themselves more, and they don't cost a lot of money and are high quality items.

The helmet Mohawk is one item that can really help spice up your helmet if you've got just the basic flat black coloring or a minimal amount of graphics. Helmet Mohawks are available in a wide range of colors including red, orange, purple, green, blue, and yellow, just to name a few. This great item can help add the much needed life to your plain old helmet. Chances are you're not happy about having to wear the helmet in the first place, so the helmet Mohawk will give a reason to be excited about putting on the helmet when you head out for a ride.

One reason that your excitement level will increase when you put on your helmet with the newly attached helmet Mohawk is that it gives you a sense of individuality, or a little more attitude to your rider persona. This great item will help you stick out of the crowd a little better in order to let everyone feel your presence.

Motorcycle helmet Mohawks are fairly inexpensive which means that they can be easily purchased without a lot of commitment on your part as far as budget goes. You can typically find these items in the range of $25 to $30 depending on the style of Mohawk that you are looking at buying, and you can typically find them online pretty easily.

Helmet Mohawks are attached to the helmet with suction cups and most Mohawks that you find out there will have enough holding power to remain attached in high winds so you won't have to worry about them falling off.

If you've been wanting to add a little extra to your motorcycle helmet, but just aren't sure what you want to do with it yet, you may want to consider the helmet Mohawk as your first option. You'll be happy with the way that it makes your helmet stand out in a crowd.

By: Matt LeClair
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Shop for motorcycle helmet mohawks, motorcycle helmets, and other motorcycle apparel.

Motocross - 4 Simple Steps For Constructing Your Own Dirt Bike Tracks

You might not have 9 or 10 acres of land to mess around with, but that does not mean you can't make a good track. You can still make a useful dirt bike track as long as you follow some important rules. As long as you have a bit of land and a tractor you can make a track that will give you many years of fun riding your dirt bike motorcycles. Of course, you may perhaps find that making dirt bike tracks is more thrilling than actually riding.

Step 1 - Getting Authorization is Job Number One

There's no use to take it any further till you get some required permissions. Obviously, asking your folks for permission is step number one, but there are more individuals that must give their approval too. You must be sure you obtain whatever permits are needed that will enable you to lawfully make and use your track.

Additionally, you want to ask your neighbors for the go-ahead. I know it's tough to imagine, but some individuals don't like noisy dirt bikes drowning out the sound of their television or additional dust settling on their outside furniture. Save yourself a heap of hassles by making sure you get approval from your neighbors, otherwise you run the risk of creating a dirt bike track that you can't ride on. Spending cash and time making a wonderful track, only to have the local authorities close you down, will not improve relations with your neighbors.

Step 2 - Choose the Top Location

Clay is the most effective kind of soil for a track and will throw up less dust and dirt than other kinds of dirt, but the clouds of dust can still be bothersome to neighbors. If all of them possess dirt bike motorcycles you almost certainly won't have too much of a problem, however the possibilities of that are extraordinarily slim. If they seem a bit tense about having a track in their backyard maybe you can agree to use it on specific days of the week.

You want to create it in an area where the terrain will require less work to whip into shape. For instance, if you are able to find a site where the natural landscape already has small hills you won't have to spend as much time with the Bobcat building your own personal jumps from scratch.

If you have the option of selecting a location with dry dusty dirt or good clay soil, do not opt for a future dust bowl. In addition to loud engines, dust and dirt can be a big issue in your neighbor's eyes. If at all possible, try to choose a site where an excessive quantity of dirt and dust will not end up in your neighbor's backyard.

Also, be aware that low lying sections of track can become small lakes during wet weather, therefore it's to your best interest to plan your design correctly. It will also help if you create the paths at an angle, permitting water to run off rather than puddle. With correct planning you can eliminate a ton of future maintenance.

Step 3 - Design Your Course prior to Getting into the Bobcat

Ride your bike through the future track prior to selecting the route that your track will take. This will give you a good idea on the natural flow of the land and allow you to style a suitable track layout. Dirt bike tracks should be designed to take advantage of the unique terrain that already exists. The track must also be based on your talent level. For instance, if you are a newbie it probably is not wise to build jumps that you can't deal with safely.

Above all else, dirt bike tracks need to be built to be as safe as possible. Don't make jumps where big rocks and trees will make riding hazardous. If you can't get away from the trees and rocks at least place some padded protection such as hay bales or old mattresses in front of potentially damaging items. If you're going to have an accident you would like to be able to get up and ride again. Hospital trips are not as fun as they're cracked up to be.

Step 4 - Rev up that Bobcat and Start Moving that Dirt

If you do not have a powerful tractor in your garage a Bobcat will be your next option. It is possible to rent one, with or without an operator, at very cheap prices. You'll be shocked at how fast your track will take form when you begin pushing that dirt around.

Mold some hills into jumps that fit your talent level and put berms at the base of other hills. It is a sensible idea to form as many turns and corners as you can so that you won't be able to develop too much speed going into the jumps.

Sticking with these four steps can help you create a dirt bike track that you can be proud of and that will be safe for many years to come. Do yourself a favor and spend as much time as necessary coming up with the design of the track. A well-designed plan will be safer, more fun, and require less work and maintenance.

By: Joshua A Harding
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Making dirt bike tracks can be very rewarding in addition to being loads of fun. Dirt bike motorcycles are exciting no matter where you race, but racing, jumping, and cornering on your own personal dirt bike track will be the greatest fun of all.

วันเสาร์ที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Womens Bikers Jacket for True Lady Riders!

....To look stylish and stunning is the basic desire of every woman and there is nothing strange in it. Whatever the trend is, women happily accept it and wear it accordingly...

Are you one of those cool lady biker? If that is so have you got yourself a womens biker jacket? Grab yours, start your bike and hit the town like you have never before.An iconic style buffered with Lightweight denim and polyurethane fabric, Current/Elliott Long Sleeve Denim Biker Jacket has a luxurious feel and is incredibly comfortable.It features an off-center, asymmetrical zip closure and a self-belt with adjustable snap closure at hem.How about putting on the Women Soft Crinkle Lamb Biker Jacket to start your journey with a brand new experience.This women bikers jacket features genuine leather and has an adjustable buckle around collar. Keeps you warm througout your journey while giving you comfort as you ride.

To look stylish and stunning is the basic desire of every woman and there is nothing strange in it. Whatever the trend is, women happily accept it and wear it accordingly. White bikers are pure bikers. Designed for the light and fast fanatic, the Arc'teryx Beta SL Jacket is streamlined to deliver complete weather protection. WaterTight' zippers and a trim fitting Drop Hood help control the body environment, while the No-lift gusseted underarms allow for unrestricted movement. It is designed for hip length,with one-hand pull cords and two hand pockets to add to the convenience. This jacket that is perfect for bikers and even hikers. Rick Owen Silver Lamb Leather offers you the great comfort and style that you need. Features a cross-over zip fastened front with three zip front pockets. The collar can be styled in different ways. Doesn't that sound interesting? The back is shorter than the front and it has raw edged hem. It is fully lined with two buttoned pockets.

If you're looking for a comfortable yet fashionable Women's motorcycle jacket, look no further. Burton Ronin Biker Snowboard Jacket Sandstone has it all. It is one of the chocolate brown bikers jackets, women will love it. This outstanding jackets comes in a unique, durable and completely weatherproof synthetic suede shell fabric. Gang up on the elements with the mesh lined Pit Zips, quilted satin lining and thermacore insulation for true on snow function. The reasons for choosing this jacket are versatility and smart design. Mountain Hardwear Geist Jacket offers whisperlight protection that practically floats against your skin.It also water resistant to keep you dry from light rain. Whenever you are in the dark,not to worry, as the 3M ultra-high reflective print of the Geist jacket delivers superior visibility. Long Sleeve Denim Biker Jacket features an off-center, asymmetrical zip closure and snaps secure notched collar. Also has a self-belt with adjustable snap closure at hem. Long sleeves keeps you warm always on cold weather.

A typical rider will definately own a black bikers jacket. GUESS by Marciano Dakira Biker Jacket is designed to fit a woman's curves, this updated biker jacket is road ready and ultra chic. Stylish zip pockets at the chest and slip pockets at waist makes the jacket look perfectly attractive . Just wear it and begin your magical ride. J.Crew Belstaff leather bomber jacket is exceptionally designed and is a waterproof outerwear, famous amongst serious motorcyclists. It is a long sleeves leather jacket , gives you protection and comfort. Bernardo Faux Leather Biker Jacket has studs trim the front while zip cuffs adorn the biker-babe sleeves. Falls at the natural waist. Women's needs are unique to men, that is why these jacktes are designed specially for women.

by fashionist
About The Author:
http://www.like.com/biker-womens-jackets.htm http://www.like.com/chocolate-brown-biker-womens-jackets.htm http://www.like.com/black-biker-womens-jackets.htm

วันจันทร์ที่ 1 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Honda ATVs Are Getting Popular In USA Markets

...4x4 Honda ATVs There are many of the 4x4 models produced and launched by Honda as a leader of the industries. The leading models of this company are the Honda FourTrax Rancher, the Honda FourTrax ...

Honda has set records and horizons in the field of Honda ATV. There are many of the models of Honda which are preferred by the people to add in the range of their ATV stock. The model of Honda Foreman, Honda Rincon, Honda Recon, Honda Big Red and also the models of Honda TRX are some of the most appreciating and appraised models of Honda. The Specialties The specialties of Honda models are the engine of ATVs. In any of the kinds of products of Honda like the three wheeler ATVs or even the four wheeled ATVs, Honda is always on the top of all the types and companies. The preloaded engines and the adjustable rear suspension are some of the unique qualitative approach of these vehicles.

The electric start and easy shifts to the handle-bar mounted button are amongst the classy characteristics of Honda ATVs. The seating comfort and also the rack designs are distinct. Electric Power Steering of the vehicles also boosts the demands of these products. The riding comfort and the cherishment of the Honda ATV models are classy and charismatic.

4x4 Honda ATVs There are many of the 4x4 models produced and launched by Honda as a leader of the industries. The leading models of this company are the Honda FourTrax Rancher, the Honda FourTrax Foreman, the Honda 4x4 ES and Honda 4x4 ES with EPS features, Honda 4x4 with Power Steering and many of the more models which have become quite popular.

Used Honda ATVs There are many of the models of Honda which are having widest popularities and also they are appraised by many of the other critics. The older models which are stopped in production are still in demand as the Used Honda ATVs. These models are quite innovative and exclusive with their performances and even after many years of manufacturing, the Honda models are having their own unique status of becoming greater motivation and spirit for the ATV users. 2010 Honda ATVs Honda has rocked the ATV industries and even in 2010, some of the models are waiting to get launched and to make the appearance of getting started in the market. The following models are gearing up for the 2010 Honda ATVs launching. The peak models are TRX700XX, TRX450ER, TRX450R, TRX400X, TRX300X, TRX250X and TRX90X are some of the models which are desperate to get appeared in the market with desperate changes and improvements.

All of these models are available and offered by the Honda ATVs dealers who are located in USA.

by Tom Adams
About the Author
Honda ATV is one of the most popular names in the entire ATV industries. Honda entered in the ATV market with the dashing and dynamic model of Three Wheeled ATV for the first time in 1970 and since than they have never turned back from the driving seat of top ATV producers and sellers. The demand of Honda ATV is so huge and terrific that the sales has always seen remarkable and steep upward trend in USA. They are one of the top Honda ATV sellers of the industries.

Tips to Assure Motorcycle Safety For Everyone

It is essential for every motorbike drivers as well as passengers to be educated enough about the different ways to assure motorcycle safety. Such tips are essential to assure survival amidst possible accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said that motorcyclists are 35 times more likely to die in a crash than the riders in passenger cards. It is definitely not about the skills and even not about experience. Taking ample care and observing traffic rules well can add quite a bit on the whole set of factors. Here are some simple but really helpful tips to guide us through.

1. Developing connections with the bike - This motorcycle safety tips occupies the topmost part of the list. This is the number one thing to do before testing the roads. One should know the basics in driving a motorcycle. This can be done via a training course from reputable names in the business. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation's RiderCourseSM is one of the available options in the market. Relatively cheap, these courses are aimed towards a more knowledgeable motorbike rider. One can either make use of their loaner motorbikes or bring their own toys for the big boys.

Another good thing about a motorcycle safety course is the benefits such as being able to avail of motorcycle insurance discounts or in the form of waived riding tests when one applies for a motorcycle driver's license.

One can self study and learn the basics on driving by reading and understanding the owner's manual. This is the chance for one to gain familiarity on the bike's specific capabilities and its additional features. Practice makes perfect as well, so it is highly recommended. This gives the rider a chance to develop various techniques in driving and also be able to experience various road conditions and learn how to deal with them.

2. Wearing the necessary protective gears - Accidents can happen anywhere and anytime. This is why it pays well to be completely protected with the proper gears. Included in the whole getup are a full-faced helmet, durable jackets and pants, gloves, ankle boots and a rain suit to keep the body dry even when it pours as well as from little debris along the way. When choosing these items, one can look for the DOT sticker to make sure that the standards of the Department of Transportation have been correctly followed. Brighter colors are highly preferred to facilitate the visual signal accepted by other drivers.

3. Driving with full responsibility - An NHTSA study showed that there is a 5.5 times difference between the fatality rates of motorcycle riders and that of car passengers. It helps to bear in mind the different motorcycle safety tips, which decreases the risks a driver and the passengers are actually facing. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation highly advices drivers to regular check the ties, controls, fuel levels, side stand, brakes and lights in order to avoid malfunction when the motorbike is on the road. Maintenance procedures are also included in the owner's manual. Taking note and following them are great ways to stay safe. Generally, batteries should be checked at least once a month.

When driving, the MSF's Search, Evaluate and Execute System is a good process to be used in dealing with potential hazards on the road. Intersections deserve significantly more attention. In fact, 70% of motorcycle related collisions take place in such locations.

For motorists, it is ideal to have a two-second space after the first vehicle. This is done by focusing on a non-moving and counting right at the very moment the vehicle passes by the object. You should pass that same object right on the 2nd second. This interval is increased to four seconds when going through highways.

Drivers should stay in the part of the lane where other drivers are able to get a good lock at them. Such position should also entail complete visibility of the road ahead. Driving in the blind spots of the other vehicles in the area should be avoided especially when the said vehicles are trucks and other bigger kinds. When there is a need for a pass, one should do mirror check and a head check. The right signals should be made use of to let other drivers know of the plan. Hand signals can also be used, but they should be done with utmost courteousness. Weaving in and out of the traffic is a big no-no. A slow, safe and clean stop is possible by using both brakes together.

by Toms
About the Author
Read more about Helmets and other accessories Novelty Motorcycle Helmets and Youth Motorcycle Helmet

Helpful Tips on Finding Affordable Kids Motorbikes

...Smart people take time when making the final decision by looking up for options that ensure price differences that are definitely going to work because of the service associated with the whole transaction...

Buying kids motorbike actually entails the need for ample research and knowledge. In fact, the lack of both can lead to unpleasant results. Getting the cheapest kids motorbikes does not come with the guarantee of being a financially should decision considering the wide possibility of damages and malfunctions later on. The problem is even greater when there is no customer service that comes along with the purchase.

Smart people take time when making the final decision by looking up for options that ensure price differences that are definitely going to work because of the service associated with the whole transaction. A good option is doing the shopping online. The following are some helpful tips to doing a safe and worth it deal.

Making Cheap Kids Motorbike Online Comparisons

1. One can greatly benefit from the absence of regional restrictions when doing the shopping over the Internet.

2. It is easy to look up for cheap kids motorbikes in the local, national and even international arena.

3. Much time and money can be saved from not having to travel when looking for different models and types.

4. There are very helpful reviews made by fellow consumers on their own experiences with kids motorbikes.

5. One can check out the different terms, policies and customer service levels that are included in the published information for most trusted sites.

6. It is possible to be able to see additional discounts by looking up for voucher codes and discount vouchers available online.

7. Another site available for interested people is the auction sites.

Doing An Importing Job Of A Cheap Kids Motorbike

1. The total price should include the fees for shipping as well as the taxes involved in the process.

2. One should know that the actual distance may render the customer service warranty useless.

3. It is important to know as well that information about tax codes and rates as well as the import duty is accessible at the local tax office.

4. A smart way to go at it is to choose shippers of larger items since one can opt for shipping on share containers, which involves better rates.

5. Another thing one should know is how air shipments can be three times more expensive than sea shipments.

6. An additional of two weeks in the wait time is expected for airways and 10 weeks for seaways.

7. Import processing is affected by customer clearance in such a way that the whole time is lengthened especially when the shipment is for a private individual or when the documents involved are poor.

Making The Payments For Cheap Kids Motorbike

1. In this case, a credit card entails a greater amount of protection.

2. Another common payment method is with the use of a PayPal account. It helps ensure a trusted transaction.

3. One thing to provide security is a secure server certificate (SSL), as shown in a yellow little padlock displayed.

4. Making use of a payment arbitrator is also a good option for both buyers and sellers when engaging in import deals.

5. Sending emails with credit card details is a definite no-no.

by Toms
About the Author
Read more about Helmets and other accessories Kids Motorcycle Helmets and Youth Motorcycle Helmet

Why Go For Mini Motorcycles

...When thinking about mini dirt bikes and mini choppers, one can actually get a high feeling because of how fun these are. Such reasons for excitement are actually true...

My childhood has been a fun exploration. I was always actively learning different things as I spent time taking things apart, getting the basic mechanisms of my own playthings and just taking time to see why and how things are they are. The way things are built has always been a source of fascination for me. I was the one who was doing the fixing and building attempts at home. They always refer to me as the Handy man at home and in school. Later on, my interests grew larger. Mini motorcycles started to fascinate my soul.

There are various reasons why they caught my interest. Basically, mini motorcycles are way beyond being a miniature motorcycle. Mini motorcycles can actually be a mini dirt bike, mini choppers, pocket bikes and others. It is not only about what can be done with mini motorcycles but also about the kinds of mini motorcycle one can actually choose from.

When thinking about mini dirt bikes and mini choppers, one can actually get a high feeling because of how fun these are. Such reasons for excitement are actually true. Another source of good feelings is how affordable mini motorcycles are. They are cheap, safe and fun to play with.

As time goes by, the Handy man in me starts to creep in again. Mini motorcycles started to interest me. My first project was with a rusty old mini bike frame that I got at a yard sale. I started to build, fix and customize mini motorcycles. It is easy and a really fun thing for me to do. Before I knew it, I was up and enjoying my time with these machines. All it takes is some primer and paint along with a sand job that is nicely done. I added up some wheels from the junk yard, cheap secondhand engine plus some breaks. In a jiffy, I had a lovely personalized mini bike from all the scraps that I initially had.

Any adults are bound to find this questionable. Of course, mini bicycles are for kids. Without a child in sight, this one might deem to be as useless as can be. However, a business minded individual can surely get my drift. The customized one I designed was sold at three times the actual price I paid for it when I brought it at the sale. We are all having a hard time financially.

Some might think that the whole thing is actually to hard and complicated. Actually, it is just an easy thing to learn and do. The whole project is simple and fun. The best thing is how one can actually earn from it. For fathers and sons, this is a great bonding activity that sets an avenue of learning and personality development for kids as well.

by Toms
About the Author
Read more about Helmets and other accessories Novelty Motorcycle Helmets and Youth Motorcycle Helmet

Yamaha Motor Bike Part - Finding the Parts You Need

....Find a Yamaha dealer or motor bike parts store that offers you the right price for your budget. Make sure that they are reputable and going to stand behind the products that they sell....

When your Yamaha motor bike isn't working like it should, you need to have reliable sources so that you can get the parts and service that you need. If you are in the market for a Yamaha motor bike part, there are plenty of places that you can turn. First and foremost, it is important for you to take the time to consider what parts you need, what model of bike you have, and which dealers are available. After that, the rest comes down to choosing from your different options.

Find a Yamaha dealer or motor bike parts store that offers you the right price for your budget. Make sure that they are reputable and going to stand behind the products that they sell. You can't put a price on quality service, and you should make sure that you work with those who provide it to you. Whilst price will be important to you, don't focus soley on this; Make sure that you think about the price in addition to the company that you are getting it from and other advantages that you get in the process. For example, if the part is cheap but comes from a company that isn't reliable then consider spending a little more to get reliable service from your dealer or parts store.

What if you don't know what motor bike part you need? In that case, you need to find a Yamaha dealer or parts store that can help you to diagnose the problem and figure out what the effective solution is. Many companies will do this for free, although some charge a small service fee for doing an inspection on your motor bike. Which you choose is up to you, but you might check out the free inspections first simply because they'll save you money.

Getting the right Yamaha motor bike part for a price that you can afford is critical to your enjoyment of riding. You should always allow yourself time to find reputable dealers or parts stores and make sure that you are getting the part that you need. Never guess which part you need or sell yourself short by buying cheap parts from companies that you've never heard of. When it comes to bike repair, it should be done right. Plus, the sooner you take care of this, the sooner you will be back out on the road and on your way to enjoying another ride around the beautiful New Zealand countryside.

by Campbell Hicks
About the Author
Opening its doors in May 2004, Waikato Yamaha is New Zealand's number one Yamaha dealer and is also the first Yamaha Platinum Dealer in New Zealand. Looking for a Yamaha motor bike part? Talk to us today : http://www.waikatoyamaha.co.nz/

Which Performance Part Is Best For Your Motorcycle?

In case you are considering which performance part is preferred for your sport bike? Then you will most likely spend a great amount of cash on custom accessories and parts, to elevate the engine's performance. However what's the most critical advantage you are trying to get from your upgrade? What you need possibly relies on whats your definition of performance. The first thing most people do question is, would it be feasible to over accessorize or "upgrade" the bike to the point at which it no longer performs as it should?

Naturally whenever you pose this question, there are lots of ideas given on what custom motorbike parts or accessories to use.

For example, the suspension is one area that you are able to focus on to improve the speed and controlling of the bike. When you obtain a stock bike it may perform fine, but you might need that small additional boost to push the bike beyond what's average. But be cautious, the bike might not exactly perform as you expected. This doesn't mean you should redo everything; just focus on the stock suspension and use the proper custom bike accessory to do this.

Another critical motorbike part to consider is the bike tires, as they're a crucial element, with respect to the way the bike handles and maneuvers. True Performance enthusiast who modify these bikes for a living or maybe race them are aware that the way a bike handles, takes prominence over both looks and power.

In this situation, the motorcycle pieces that have to be altered are the triple clamps which are for evening out the difference in the tires. Most mavens also agree that for max effect you should choose the DOT slicks when you are choosing your tires for racing. This is particularly beneficial novice riders who are looking to improve their lap times, as they heat up a bit quicker than the majority of the others.

Naturally you have got a number of options if you're thinking of buying parts for bike upgrades and each of them have their benefits and drawbacks. Remember you can choose to buy them from the local bike shop, online or perhaps a second hand parts store or an authorized agency ,eg Suzuki motorbike accessories and parts. Routinely, they do have a vast selection but it may be hard locating something particular so you'll likely fare better if you're looking out for a part that's fairly generic. Choosing which performance part is best for your bike upgrade should not be that big of a hassle. Check an authorized dealer, as they will mostly likely be accessible and their parts usually have a warranty.

by Bret Nieves
About the Author
Bret Nieves is a true motorcycle enthusiast who enjoys spending time with his family and kids. When he gets the chance he loves to ride his suzuki 750gsx-r up and down cury roads. Catch up with Bret (if you can) to get all your motorcycle accessories upgrade info, news and tips at www.accessoriesformotorcycles.org

Buying A Motorcycle Helmet - Safety vs. Looks

....One of the big factors that you'll want to keep in mind when deciding which motorcycle helmet is the right one for you to purchase is whether or not you want to go for safety, or if you're looking to simply find a helmet that looks good, in which you could save yourself a lot of money if you choose the right path....

Deciding what the best motorcycle helmet is can be tough question to answer if you're not really sure how to answer it in the fist place. This could be due to the fact that you're a first time rider and are looking for a new helmet to wear on that first ride, or you've never had to purchase a helmet before and now after all of these years of riding, you're forced to buy one for whatever reason.

One of the big factors that you'll want to keep in mind when deciding which motorcycle helmet is the right one for you to purchase is whether or not you want to go for safety, or if you're looking to simply find a helmet that looks good, in which you could save yourself a lot of money if you choose the right path.

If you decide that you really only care about how the helmet looks on your head, and you don't want a helmet that is going to be a little more bulky, but rather maintain a low profile look, then you'll want to consider a novelty helmet. The novelty helmet is made basically without the inner liner, but still has padding, so that the outer those wearing the helmets can basically go down a size or two. Since there is no inner liner, however, there is really no protective value to the helmet other than the outer shell which typically is made of a very durable plastic like material that can hold up well. The novelty helmet is the smallest and lowest profile helmet available on the market.

If you're looking to go the safety route, then you'll want to check out the DOT rated helmets. These helmets are made just like the novelty helmets accept for the fact that the DOT versions are made with the inner liner that provides protection to your head if you were to get into a crash. Just like the novelty helmets, the DOT helmets are made in a number of different shapes and styles, and also come in a variety of different colors, or with any number of different graphics.

The full face helmet is another option that you could choose if you're looking to maintain a high safety standard when it comes to the helmet you purchase. The full face helmet is going to provide the most protection to you as the rider because it covers your entire head, unlike the novelty and DOT helmets. The full face helmet is also able to block the wind and debris while you're riding so your less likely to become distracted when it comes to those elements.

Whether you're going for the rough and tough biker look, or the more conservative yet safe look, there is definitely a motorcycle helmet available that will suit whatever needs you may have.

by Matt L
About the Author
Find more information on the best motorcycle helmets and shop for many types of motorcycle helmets

The Motorbike Buying Checklist for Used Bikes

If you are buying a motorbike second hand you have to be careful and know what to look for to ensure you are paying for a fair amount for the standard of the bike for sale. If you can take someone who has a good working knowledge of bikes this would be ideal. There are quite a few things to check to ensure the bike is not only roadworthy but in good condition.

Here is the check list you should follow, the buying check list to ensure the bike is in good shape and isn't going to pack in sometime soon or cost you extra to source motorbike parts or pay for repairs.

The frame is a good place to start, have a good look around for any sign of frame damage, and check if the wheels are correctly aligned as well as the centre or sidestand. Ask to start up the bike and examine the electrics. Give the lights, indicators, horn, gear switch and fuel pump. Once the bike has been running for a minute make sure it is running smoothly and without leaks (that is oil, water or fuel). The bearings, spokes and trueness need to be checked on both wheels as does the suspension. For the front suspension ensure that it is correctly aligned in the yokes and examine the fork seals. The rear suspension should be checked for leaks as well as wear and signs of seizure.

Take time to look at the battery level and the condition and check for leaks in the exhaust and ensure it's a legal motorbike part that has been fitted. Other items to check are the tyres, the condition of them and the tread depth. When you go out for a test drive take notice of the steering, the steering stops and any damper that may be fitted and of course the general performance such as smooth gear changing.

Finally it's very important to check the documentation for the bike; it's recommended you only buy a bike that has an MOT in the last year and a V5 log book. Giving a bike a full inspection will ensure you don't get suckered into buying a turkey of a motorbike, coughing up a fortune in repairs and paying for new motorcycle parts. Having a good idea of the condition of the bike also means you can negotiate better on price.

by Bill T James
About the Author
Bill James has been working in the advertising industry for over 15 years. He enjoys writing about property renting, particularly in the London area. He recently wrote a guide on the best approach for looking for flats to rent .