Motorcycle Rallies have long since been tradition in biker circles. Some motorcycle rallies last for a week or longer, some are just for the weekend.

3. Laconia Motorcycle Week or Laconia Bike Week
This motorcycle rally is held in Laconia, New Hampshire. It is the largest New England motorcycle rally and is held at Weirs Beach on Lake Winnipesaukee. One of the highlights of this motorcycle rally is the many races. Some include the Half Mile Pro Race, the Vintage Motorcycle Grand Prix, and the Hill Climb at Gunstock. In addition to races, this motorcycle rally has its fair share of motorcycle shows. Some of these include the Custom Bike Show, the Laconia Bike Show, and the Ride-In Bike Show. Because this is one of the major motorcycle rallies some major motorcycle builders are usually in attendance, in addition to major motorcycle manufacturers offering demonstration rides on their motorcycles. Laconia Motorcycle Week also offers live music, raffles, poker runs, motorcycle contests and give aways, stunt shows, and parades, along with much more.
2. Daytona Beach Bike Week
This motorcycle rally is held at Daytona Beach, Florida. This rally is the start of motorcycle rally season. The first Daytona Beach Bike week was in 1937, and has grown to become one of the largest in the world. Because the motorcycle rally has grown so much, this motorcycle rally has grown to include much of the surrounding areas along with Daytona Beach. There are bikini contests, wet t-shirt contests, live music, and motorcycle shows. If you are looking for the perfect custom motorcycle, there will be manufacturer's displays, and custom builders and companies. If you are looking for just plain fun, there is wrestling in every type of food, charity events, poker runs, the wall of death, and raffles and drawings, and live music. This is definitely one of the must attend motorcycle rallies.
1. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
This motorcycle rally is the ultimate in motorcycle rallies. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally got it's start in 1938 and now has an attendance of about 500,000 bikers. There are numerous sights to see while at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. These include Mount Rushmore, the Devil's Tower, and Custer State Park. Like Daytona Beach Bike Week, Sturgis has grown to include the surrounding areas. With this as the largest motorcycle rally, manufacturers will be there in great numbers aiming to impress all in attendance. There are bike shows galore, and the 2007 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally hosted such celebrities as Jesse James, guys from Orange County Choppers, and Russell Mitchell. More then 15 thousand was raised at the 2007 rally for the Make A Wish Foundation. In addition to all this there are tattoo shows, Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductions, tons of vendors, stunt shows, pageants, and bikini contests. If you are looking to see custom bikes, Sturgis Motorcycle Rally has some of the best custom bike and trike shows.
By: Justin Stewart