The benefits of the full face motorcycle helmet are plenty, but in reality it is often the half helmets that are chosen for a number of reasons which include the fact that they are less constraining, they are more lightweight, and they are less expensive than the full face counterparts.
The big reason that half helmets are less constraining is because they do not completely enclose the rider's head, so there is less coverage provided by the helmet, which also means that more of the rider's head is exposed to the elements. This can be a bad thing if there is a lot of flying dirt and debris that could potentially strike the rider where coverage is not provided by the half helmet. Another benefit of this helmet when compared to the full face is that it's easier to keep cool when riding in warmer temperatures because the rider's head is not completely covered by helmet. This makes for a more comfortable ride especially in summer months.
Another reason that one may want to buy a motorcycle half helmet instead of a full face is because they are quite a bit lighter than the full face models because of the fact that there is less material used to make a half helmet. This can be important if you're going on a longer ride since you may be become tired as a result of wearing a heavy helmet the entire time. The lightweight half helmets reduce the amount of pressure that is placed on the rider's neck and back and can make for a less tiring ride.
Finally, one of the other reasons that many riders choose the half helmet over the full face helmet is because of the fact that they are less expensive, sometimes half as much as the full face helmets. The reason they are less expensive is because of the simple fact that there is less material needed to make a half helmet, which means manufacturers are able to charge less for them. They may not always be less expensive, especially if you're going to buy a name brand helmet, which would cost more overall.
There are a number of reasons for purchasing a half helmet over a full face helmet and if you're convinced that these reasons apply to you, then you would definitely want to consider it. If you weren't sure if the half helmet is right for you, then hopefully you have gained a little more knowledge to be able to make a sound decision on which one to purchase.
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