The Harley-Davidson Company or Harley davidson has been around for a little more than a century. The story began with two friends in Milwaukee Wisconsin in 1903. The "Harley" in Harley Davidson is taken from from the name of William S. Harley. The Davidson brothers provide the second part of the brand name. First was Arthur Davidson. The other two D's being his siblings, Walter and William Davidson. William Harley and Arthur Davidson started working on the prototype and eventually sought after the aid of Walter and William. Walter was a capable mechanic. William was an experienced toolmaker. Together the group created the HD Corporation, which later became incorporated.
For the duration of 1903 Harley davidson manufactured a grand total of three motorcycles. All were bought and paid for before being finished. Gray was the normal color of the first Harley davidson motorbikes, which were often called the "Silent Grey Fellows".
By the end of 1905 the Harley davidson Business wasn't just selling motorcycles, but additionally motorcycle motors, marine motors, reversible propellers and float feed carburetors. The price tag of the motorcycle was two hundred dollars.
The fame of the Harley Davidson motorcycle continued to grow through out the following decade. By 1914, 9 departments of the federal government of the USA made use of HD's. The American Postal service alone made use of above 4,800 Harley davidson motorbikes for rural postal delivery.
In 1916 the armed forces started making use of Harley davidson's in border fights with Pancho Villa. The motorcycles were equipped with machine guns. Harley davidson motorbikes were additionally made use of in World War I with half of all models manufactured being shipped abroad. The war additionally was the cause of the establishment of the first Harley-Davidson Service School. The HD Brand thought this was required and met the need.

The 20's brought an conclusion to the war and a commencement to the world of racing. HD made quite an splash. Harley-Davidson suffered, but governed to make it through the exceptional Depression and kept on prospering through the 30's.
Unfortunately World War II began in the 40's and Harley Davidson was pushed into service once again.
The 1950's ushered in new, more insistent advertising strategies and development for this exceptional brand. Yet again war began, this time in Korea. Motorbikes were replaced in popularity with the military with the Jeep. HD used the opportunity to to focus on its non-military customers.
The 60's brought about as much change for Harley Davidson as everyone else in the US. This was additionally when the business started to branch out into an unconnected field of leisure product with the creation of 3-wheeled golf-carts. By the closing stages of the decade the carts cornered about one third of the United States market, and were even utilized oversees. HD additionally began promotion a large line of motorbike accessories.
The 70's saw ongoing triumph in the racing venue. exceptional developments were made in the racing motorbikes that were turned out by Harley davidson. In late 1970 the brand additionally introduced its brand new snow-mobile. Possibly the largest change was the amalgamation between Harley davidson and the AMF.
The 1980's started with a buyback, and the HD Brand returned to private ownership. The corporation seemed to exhibit a new interest in producing better machines. To the extent that that they got the contract with the California Highway Patrol from '84-'89.
The 1990's started with the appearance of Harley davidson's most adapted factory custom motorbike to date, the FLSTF "Fat Boy". This bike was reminiscent of the past while still being up-to-date with the times.
The twenty first century has arrived and Harley davidson stays strong. Its current collection of motorbikes includes the Sporster, the Dyna, the Softail, the VRSC, and a Touring line. Each line features several models. motorcycles now sell from between $6,000 and $25,000.
By: John Depo
Article Source: http://5star-articles.com