Several other females are noteworthy in the just over 100-year history of the Harley Davidson Corporation. In 1929 Vivian Bale cruised her 45 Twin D Harley on a tour of almost 500 miles. Along the way she took a break to get together with dealerships of her preferred ride. After finishing this well-known voyage she passed lots of more years riding and executing motorbike stunts at different racing events in Florida.
Brigitte Bardot was a famed motion picture actress and pinup star in the 1950's. In the 60's she got so charmed by Harley Davidson Motorbikes that she introduced her hit song entitled "Harley Davidson". Also well-liked was a photograph of her straddling her favorite motorcycle. She is dressed in hot slacks and a partly unzipped leather coat.
Prominent star Elizabeth Taylor rode a Purple Passion motorcycle that was given to her by her pal Malcolm Forbes. It was said that the motorbike harmonized her prominent eyes.
Peter Fonda is most likely 1 of the most famous male Harley Davidson Owners thanks to the 1969 motion picture Easy Rider. Dennis Hopper also |appeared in this motion picture and the photograph of a scene portraying them both together, each atop his Harley is still in demand these days.
Malcolm Forbes, the founder of Forbes magazine and one of the wealthiest males ever, not just loved giving Harleys to friends as presents, he possessed in excess of 50 of them himself. Forbes started riding motorcycles in his late 40s and enjoyed it so much he started collecting them. His individual endorsement of the Harley helped its sales rise to brand-new heights.
Jay Leno is another famous person who is known for his love of Harley Davidson motorcycles. He loves them so much that not only does he possess numerous, but he additionally does his possess maintenance and repair work.

Several other well-known Harley Davidson riding famous people include: Elvis Presley, Don Johnson, Jackson Browne, Mickey Rourke and Tina Turner. And noone can forget Arnold Schwarznegger and his Terminator role. Former President of the USA, Bill Clinton also posed sitting on a Harley at a point during his campaiging.
Although not well-known in a great way, the hard-core motorbike gang referred to as the Hells Angels additionally support Harley Davidson motorcycles . There is no known connection to the Harley Davidson Corporation. This motorcycle club started in 1948 and by the 1960's was notorious throughout the USA and Canada. Linked to drugs and crime just seeing these motorcyclists was sufficient to strike panic into an entire town every time they rode through. Today the Hell's Angels sponsor numerous charitable events in the United States and Canada. Unfortunately they still regularly make the news for criminal related activities. The motorbike club has been considered an organized crime organization by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
By: John Depo
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