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Finding the Type of Motorcycle that is Right for You

Purchasing a motorcycle generally involves a great deal of research before you decide on the one that is right for you. There are so many makes and models to choose from that it can also be confusing. You will want to think about your motorcycle riding experience when you are looking at the type of bike to purchase. You will also want to consider what you will be doing with your motorcycle.

There are many different types of motorcycle to consider based on your interests. Do you want a motorcycle that is known for speed? If you will be taking long road trips on your motorcycle then you definitely want one built for travel and comfort. You may also want one that offers compartments to hold your necessities while you travel. Other motorcycles are designed for riding on dirt or for competition. There are also scooters that are fun for in town.

If you are new to the feat of motorcycle riding, it is recommended that you start with a moderately priced motorcycle or even with a used one. This is because a new motorcycle can cost you $20,000. Do you want to risk scratching it up or having costly repairs from dropping the bike over? Trust me, if you are new to riding that is going to be a part of the experience! You can always purchase a newer motorcycle once you have become a seasoned rider.

Even if you have a particular style of motorcycle in mind, it has to fit your body perfectly. This may be disappointing at first, but keep in mind that if the bike doesn't fit you there is a risk of an accident. It is also very likely that you won't be comfortable while riding it, so what fun will that be? Of course you can always have a customized motorcycle made later on of the style you want that fits you perfectly.

The best way determine if a motorcycle is a good fit for you is to sit on the bike with the kickstand on the ground. Can you touch the ground with both feet? If not, then you need to look for a motorcycle that isn't as tall. If you can reach the ground with both feet, can you reach the handle bars comfortably? How about the brakes and the turn signals?

Of course a very important aspect you need to consider when looking for the right motorcycle is the price. You need something that is going to fit into your budget. Do you want to purchase a used motorcycle for the amount of money you can afford? Are you willing to take out a loan to pay for a higher priced motorcycle on monthly payments? You should decide this before you even begin looking at potential motorcycles.

A motorcycle can provide you with a fun mode of transportation for fun or for commuting. Motorcycles are very inexpensive to operate and allow you to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. You will find your motorcycle to be more comfortable if you take your time and select one based on how it feels with your body shape than how the body of the bike looks. Choosing a bike that doesn't fit well will leave you disappointed as well as raise the risk of accidents and injuries taking place.

All about Suzuki Motorcycles

Suzuki Motor Company was founded by Michio Suzuki. He had a very successful looming business when he decided to invest in the concept of motorcycle manufacturing in 1920. Suzuki didn't take the motorcycle world by storm, in stead it was a slow and steady rise to success. There were a variety of motorcycle models that had moderate success. People began to take notice of the Suzuki line of motorcycles after their Diamond Free model won the Mount Fuji Hill Climb in 1953.

In June of 1954, Suzuki implemented their trademark 'S' logo that is still used today. They also put their years of observing the motorcycle industry to good use. 1962 saw them as the winner of the Grand Prix World Championship. Suzuki decided to begin selling its motorcycles in the United States in 1963. They have come a long way since that first introduction. Consumers quickly took to the models, finding them to be valuable and reliable.

Suzuki introduced the X-6 Hustler in 1966, becoming their first street legal performance bike. At the time, it was also the fastest 250CC on the market. They followed the success of it with a 500CC model called The Titan. In 1969 Suzuki took the world by surprise when it introduced the GT750. This was a two stroke motorcycle that could reach a speed of 110 miles per hour. It was able to accelerate from zero to sixty in only five seconds. Since this motorcycle was so well received, Suzuki decided to make a larger bike with the same type of power. The RG500 became the most successful racing bike of that era.

Suzuki continued to dominate the motocross racing circuit in the 1970 's , winning the World Motocross Championship in 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, and 1976. Due to tighter emission regulations, Suzuki had some stumbling blocks in 1976. However, they were successfully able to redesign their four stroke models to meet these regulations. They models also sold very well.

Suzuki again makes racing history with the introduction of the XN85 in 1982. This was a turbo charged motorcycle that won many high profile races. The first American to win the World Motocross Championship did so in 1982 on this bike. In 1986 they offered the GSX-R, also a turbo charged racer bike. What made it so original was the aluminium frame. This made it the lightest motorcycle in its class.

In addition to selling large quantities of racing bikes, Suzuki has done well in the cruiser market as well. The Boulevard model comes in many different sizes to meet the needs of the consumer. This is a very sporty looking model built to look great as well as to offer comfort. The five speed transmission allows the operator of the vehicle to remain comfortable regardless of the riding terrain.

The body of the Boulevard model allows for a smooth ride regardless of the speed at which you are travelling. This model is one of the top selling cruisers out there as well as the best price with the 2007 models priced around $13,000. Each one comes with a 12 month unlimited warranty that can be extended. Suzuki offers the best warranty of any motorcycle manufacturer with unlimited miles, no deductible, reimbursement costs if the motorcycle breaks down, rental vehicle reimbursement, and the remainder of the warranty is transferable should you decide to sell your motorcycle during the warranty time frame.

Today, Suzuki is in the top four motorcycle manufacturer 's world wide. They offer a wide variety of street, off road, and racing motorcycles to choose from. You can find Suzuki motorcycles at more than 1,600 dealerships around the world. They are well known for offering style, comfort, and speed with hundreds of different models to choose from. They are also among the top sellers because the models are very attractive, the price is very reasonable, and they stand behind their products by offering an excellent warranty.

What You Should Know About Electric Scooters

Many people love the freedom of riding a motorcycle as well as the economical value it offers, especially now with fuel costs at an all time high. However, some people just aren't comfortable operating a motorcycle. A great alternative is to choose an electric scooter. They are also very economically as well as easy to operate. This is a great option for riding around town. I know many parents who compromise purchasing their teenager a scooter rather than an actual motorcycle. Scooters also cost less than a motorcycle.

Safety is still a necessity while operating an electric scooter. It is important that you wear a helmet as well as long sleeved shirts and pants to prevent road rash. You also need to follow the rules of the road. Too many people have the misconception that a scooter can be operated like a bicycle rather than a motor vehicle on the road. In many states you have to obtain a motorcycle license to legally operate one on the street. Children must be the legal age to drive one as determined by their state regulations.

Electric scooters are frequently referred to as mopeds as well. They are very environmentally friendly so you don't have to worry about pollution issues. Many of the features on these scooters are similar to those of a motorcycle including the seat, brakes, tires, and turn signals. While scooters are definitely easier to learn to ride, they won't offer you the same speed as a motorcycle. Don't expect to get on one and take off like the wind. You also won't want to ride them on the highway or interstate as they just aren't designed for that type of speed or travel.

Depending on the type of electric scooter you purchase, you can anticipate spending from $200 to $1,000. The prices are very reasonable, so that your time finding one that fits you perfectly. There are many styles and colours available from a variety of manufacturers. Many women love operating a scooter as opposed to a motorcycle because of the weight difference.

You will also find scooters that feature a stand up or a sit down design. The younger kids definitely seem to favour the stand up type but it certainly isn't going to be comfortable when you are on it for a length of time. You also won't have the storage space if you need to carry anything with you.

Most electric scooters require very little maintenance, further adding to your transportation savings. In most cases you will be able to do the basic maintenance and even repairs on your own. You may be wondering how fuel efficient an electric scooter is. While the specific savings will vary by model, many of them can get 60 miles per gallon of fuel.

Since electric scooters don't take up much space and they are light weight, may college kids prefer to use one instead of a car. They can even ride it around campus and secure it on the bike rack. Most of them can get up to 30 MPH so a quick trip to town or the grocery store is even possible with one.

Electric scooters have continued to grow in popularity in areas where the fuel is high and the weather is nice most of the year. Consumers are looking for an economical means of transportation and they have found in with electric scooters. You can find a great deal of information about them on the internet as well as motorcycle and electric stores.

What about Customized Motorcycles?

Motorcycles are very popular, with thousands of them on the road. You will find them in a variety of makes and models for your enjoyment. Finding exactly the style you want that fits your body can prove to be difficult, especially if you are extremely short or very tall. Having a customized motorcycle made to your specifications is a great alternative, but it is also more expensive.

One of the most well known custom motorcycle makers is Jesse James, owner of West Coast Choppers. Jesse James has been passionate about motorcycles since he was seven years old. He has customized motorcycles for many celebrities including Shaquille O'Neal, Kid Rock, and Kyle Petty. The bikes range in price from $50,000 to $150,000.

While this is going to be much too expensive for the average individual, you can still get a great customized motorcycle from some other sources. There are many things you need to consider to get started. First, what is it that you need from a motorcycle that you can't get from a standard one at any retailer? If it is simply the colour, you will save a great deal of money by purchasing it from the retailer and having it repainted. In some cases, you may be able to contact the manufacturer and have the bike painted your ideal colour at the factory.

Most of the time, individuals need to have a motorcycle customized to fit them properly. Take Shaquille O'Neal for example. He is such a large person, that the average motorcycle just doesn't work well for him. Jesse James was able to use O'Neal 's measurements to create a motorcycle that was comfortable for him to ride. Customized motorcycles are a great choice for those with a disability that prevents them from being able to operate a standard motorcycle.

If you are determined to have a customized motorcycle, take the time to research the various manufacturers you have to choose from. Keep in mind that you may have to wait several months or even years to get the motorcycle you want if the manufacturer is very busy. Always discuss the options you want in great detail as well as the price. If the manufacturer won't agree to your specifications then look for someone who will.

It is a good idea to conduct research about the manufacturer. Find out how long they have been customizing motorcycles. Ask for references and to see samples of their work. You will also want to inquire about warranty information and a guarantee if you aren't pleased with the work. In most cases, you will have to pay a deposit before work begins on your customized motorcycle. Make sure they are familiar with working with the model of motorcycle you want to have customized.

Having your very own motorcycle is a great recreational item to spend your time with. However, investing in a customized motorcycle will allow you to have the very best motorcycle that fits your style as well as your body. Being comfortable on your motorcycle will give you more enjoyment and you can also use it for long road trips. You are less likely to be involved in a motorcycle accident if the motorcycle is a proper fit. While a customized motorcycle is more expensive than a traditional model, it is an investment that is well worth it.

Let 's Take a Look at Children and Motorcycles

Many children grow up in families where motorcycles are a part of life. I can remember my husband taking our boys for rides as soon as they were old enough to walk. This was scary for me as I don't have a great deal of motorcycle riding experience. However, my husband has been on them since he was a toddler so it was just a natural process for him.

Most children love riding on motorcycles, but the issue is very controversial. I am an overprotective mom, so it is hard for me too. However, all of my children love riding on them and I trust my husband to have their best interest in hand all the time. I really hate it when my children are on the highway because I know accidents can happen so quickly. We do make sure they were long sleeved shirts and pants. They also have helmets to wear that fit them properly.

They make motorcycles for children to ride on their own by the time they are four or five years of age. My children all learned how to operate one as soon as they were able to ride a regular bike without training wheels. Of course the motorcycle, called a 50, is very low to the ground and doesn't go very fast. When I look back at it now, I think it was very good practice for them to learn about operating vehicles.

This is not to say that everything went smooth! My oldest son crashed his motorcycle into a fence when he was seven as he lost control. I think me tried to stop but panicked and pushed the gas more. My other son loved to go as fast as he could, so we were hesitant to move him up to a larger bike because with the size came more power. Children should never be left to ride a motorcycle without the proper safety equipment and without parental supervision.

Since children can't legally ride their motorcycle on the street, they have to ride them on dirk trails or motorcycle trails. Make sure the type of motorcycle you purchase for them is designed for such rough terrain. You should also consider purchasing them a helmet that has a full face cover. It is common for children to crash their motorcycle, and hitting their chin or mouth on the handle bars is also common.

If your child is a rider on a motorcycle with another adult, make sure that adult has a license to operate a motorcycle. Smaller children can ride on the front of the motorcycle but they are encouraged to ride on the back. Make sure they always wear a helmet even for a short ride. Children are allowed to ride on a motorcycle on major highways, but this is a personal decision for the parent. I will tell you it is not one I am comfortable with for my own children.

Never allow your children to operate a motorcycle with another child on the bike. This can lead to the child trying to show off and for accidents to happen. It also shifts the weight of the bike when you add an extra person, and the child operating the motorcycle may not be able to handle the extra weight.

While operating or riding on a motorcycle can be dangerous for a child, it can also be a great deal of fun. They will have fond memories of it as well. Parents have a responsibility to keep their children safe while operating a motorcycle. Don't share helmets among your children as they won't fit each of them properly.

Many children enjoy operating a motorcycle, and parents will find that it can help them become more responsible. They also learn valuable skills about operating vehicles and safety at a very early age. Children who wear safety equipment as a child will continue to do so as an adult. They also develop skills to make them safer drivers so that when they are old enough to operate a motorcycle on the street, they have plenty of experience.

Motorcycle Luggage And Saddlebags Repair

One of the most common problems with motorcycle Luggage especially saddlebags is sagging. Over the years or some times over the months the saddlebags start cracking and sagging due to either the weather or poor quality. This can be a very frustrating situation as the saddlebags can start to look very unappealing and ruin the aesthetics of a motorcycle.

The good news is that there is a solution that most people do not know about. In case your saddlebags are sagging or cracking you should contact your local hardware store. Get abs plastic glue that is usually found in the plumbing section of most hardware stores. If the saddlebag has a crack or a small hole this abs thick glue can be used to fill the crack. However in many cases these cracks are not minor and look more like a hole in the saddlebag.

In order to deal with a saddlebag with a hole the procedure differs slightly. The application of the following process might vary slightly. The first thing in case of a hole is to get hold of the best duct tape you can find. Make sure it is black in color. It is highly recommended to carry out this procedure in a well ventilated place. Also make sure that the saddlebags are empty while carrying out this repair. Close the hole by applying the duct tape from inside the saddlebag. After closing the hole properly from the inside apply the abs glue to fill the gap from outside. Please ensure that the glue is not used unnecessarily. Also make sure that the glue does not leak from the inside of the saddlebag. Give it 30 minutes to dry and you would be amazed with the results.

Another common motorcycle luggage problem is the sagging of saddlebags. This problem is more common in cheap saddlebags made of 2-3 mm leather as opposed to saddlebags made of thick cowhide i.e. 8-12mm in thickness. You can avoid or prolong this problem by buying good saddlebags. Unfortunately this problem occurs in most leather saddlebags over time.

In order to fix sagging saddlebags you would need plastic polystyrene sheets and very strong glue. You can get these sheets and glue from any hardware store in your locality. Once you have both the sheets and glue start by removing the saddlebags from the motorcycle. Then measure the saddlebags and cut an exact replica of the sagging lid or face out of polystyrene sheet. Apply the glue on the sheet and stick it to the saddlebag from inside. In order for the sheet to have a stronger bond with the bag put some weight on the sheet and leaves it over night. Your saddlebags would be ready in the morning.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Harry Alan
Harry Alan has been manufacturing Leather Saddlebags for last 11 years..
Find out more information regarding ; Motorcycle saddlebags at www.vikingbags.com.

Leather Motorcycle Saddlebags - Care

Leather saddlebags vary in quality and there can be different types of leather. However there are 3 Major categories used to classify the leather used to make saddlebags. They are split, vegetable and chrome leather motorcycle saddlebags. All of these different types of leather saddlebags have one specific method to care. Proper and adequate care increases the life of leather and protects the aesthetics of it. Please note that the leather used in making saddlebags is very different from the one used for apparel. As a result the care also differs. Leather care can be broken down in four major categories.
1. Cleaning
2. Conditioning
3. Polishing
4. protecting

It is required to work on the leather Motorcycle saddlebags in a well ventilated area. This is due to the problems related to the dangerous chemicals, which are included in the cleaning solutions. An ideal place to clean the saddlebags is outdoors. However a garage can also be an ideal place only if it is well ventilated.

Choose a good quality cleaning solution that does not pose danger to the color of your leather saddlebags. If the cleaning solution is very strong not only it would pose danger to your leathers color but it would also weaken the threat used for stitching the leather. Water can be added to dilute the cleaning solution. To make sure the strength of cleaning solution is right start by cleaning the back of the saddlebag and see the results. The cleaning solution can be applied using any kind of cloth as long as it is perfectly clean. Most leather experts consider nubuk cleaning cloth to be the best solution.

The second stage in the leather care is conditioning of your leather saddlebags. Conditioning does not need to be done regularly but conditioning once in a while is an excellent way to keep you leather saddlebags in good condition. The process of conditioning consists of lubricating the leather saddlebags. Lubricating is done by applying a thin coat of oil on the leather saddlebags. After all leather is skin of an animal and like most skins it needs to be moisturized in order to look good and last long.

The third stage of leather care is polishing. Polishing is done to make your leather saddlebags stand out and look more glamorous. When selecting the polish make sure it does not clog the pours of the leather to make it dry.

The fourth and the last stage in the leather care is adding moister barrier to your leather saddlebags. This process tends to block the pours of the leather to prevent damage caused by rain. Another advantage of this process is that the saddlebags can look clean for longer period of time.

It is important for the motorcycle riders to protect their leather saddlebags from rain and especially mud. If you plan on going off road use saddlebag rain covers.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Harry Alan
Harry Alan has been manufacturing Leather Saddlebags for last 11 years..
Find out more information regarding ; Motorcycle saddlebags at www.vikingbags.com.

Some Important Issues Regarding Atv Safety

When ATV became a major competitor in recreational and utility vehicle in 1984, it also escalated the growing concerns of the public. ATV was becoming a controversial vehicle. There was an estimated 60,000 injuries in 1986, all ATV related due to improper riding behavior and overly excessive thrill riding. In 1988, the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) entered into an unprecedented 10-year agreement with American ATV manufacturers called the Final Consent Decree. The agreement funded $100 million to expand existing safety programs like free training incentives to ATV owners. But the biggest move of the Final Consent Decree was the production shift from three wheeled ATVs to four wheeled ATVs. Additionally, manufacturers repurchased any unsold three wheel models and trade in three wheeled models with the four wheel ATVs.

In spite of that move, injuries and deaths still occur regularly. On 2004 alone, statistics released by the CPSC estimated 136,000 injuries associated with ATVs are recorded on American hospitals, doubling the numbers of accidents the last decade. The expiration of the decree didnt help with the ATV safety practices, though it effectively replaced the three wheels with the four wheels ATV. And the CPSC had a number of flaws; it only covers the manufacturers present at the forging of the decree. New manufacturers who entered the market after the forging of Final Consent Decree are not covered by the plans so to speak and that gave them a considerable leeway towards ATV manufacturing. Also, overseas manufacturers are completely exempt of this decree.

There have been decrees attending to the nature of the machines themselves. One such decree is the balance of the machine with regards to the riders age. Riders under the age of 16 are strictly prohibited from riding ATVs with 90cc engines. Various states have also enacted legislations governing ATV usage within their boundaries, like for instance the riders age and the engine displacements should concede with the decrees.

Some advocates, though, argue that a child starting to ride ATVs at younger age improves ATV safety. They had stated that this child would develop necessary expertise as he grows older instead of waiting until he is sixteen and handling larger ATVs. In effect, CPSC approved the usage of smaller ATVs with 50cc to be used by youngsters as early as 6.

All Terrain Vehicle Safety Institute (ASI) was formed in 1988 to implement a program of ATV safety, education and awareness to the interested ATV riders. Since it is a non-profit organization, the cost for attending ATV safety training is minimal. ASI is a division of Specialty Vehicle Institute of America (SVIA), also an organization promoting safe and responsible use of specialty vehicles.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: T J Madigan
For more free articles and information or to view a selection of car and truck articles and information and motorcycle articles and information visit Articles.net.au - Your source for free Articles, Information and Website Content.

A Purchasing Guide For Leather Motorcycle Apparel

In the early years of motorcycle riding motorcycle riders realized the danger it posed to the human body. At the time the best solution was leather. Leather has protected human since the Stone Age. It soon became the first choice of early riders. It not only protected them from accidents but also served as a wind breaker in cold weather. Leather is still a much desired commodity amongst motorcycle riders all over the world. One must be able to distinguish between the different types of leather in order to buy quality motorcycle apparel.

There are several kinds of leather and they are used for different purposes for example sheep skin is used for fashion wear, synthetic leather is used for seat covers etc. when it comes to motorcycle apparel cow hide is considered to be the most appropriate kind of leather. This is because of its durability and aesthetic appeal. A motorcycle rider must know the kinds of cowhide.

Leather passes through several different processes before it gets to us in the form of motorcycle apparel. The first process is its refinement through the hair removing process. After hair removal of the cowhide four major kinds of leather can be derived out of the same cowhide. The first chemical process which the cowhide goes through separates the outer part of animal skin from the rest of the cowhide. This skin is called grain and is the cheapest form of cowhide.

In the second stage of leather processing middle part of cowhide is separated from the cow skin. Polymer layer is added to this part in order to strengthen it. This kind of leather is better looking than the grain and it is also much more durable. Most people refer to this kind of cowhide as split.

In the third stage the cowhide under goes a process which removes the scares and imperfections from the leather. The result of this process is extremely fine leather. The product of this process is referred by many as Top grain leather. Motorcycle apparel made of top grain leather is usually worth more than the one made of split.

In The fourth and final stage the cowhide goes through a process that results in the best leather possible out of a cowhide. This type of leather is known as full grain leather. It is generally 2 mm thick soft and uniform all over. This kind of leather is the best a motorcycle rider can get.

A motorcycle rider must keep in mind the above mention information in order to make a better buying decision while searching for the perfect motorcycle apparel. In addition to the knowledge of leather one should try to get motorcycle apparel especially jackets with sufficient zippers and laces. This enhances the comfort level of the apparel as it allows the rider to close or open the jacket according to the weather. Average life of a good leather jacket is between 4-5 years. This can vary under extreme weather.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Harry Alan
Harry Alan has been manufacturing Leather Saddlebags for last 11 years..
Find out more information regarding ; Motorcycle saddlebags at www.vikingbags.com.

All About Atv Lift Kits

Sometimes, there is need to raise your ATV even just a fraction away from the ground. It could be a much too rocky terrain that keeps banging on the ATVs underside, or your ATV is way too lowered and you need to pass a stretch of a watery trail. Either way, you need ATV lift kits to get the work done.

ATV lift kits are sets of bolts and braces that are designed to adjust your ATV and gain more ground clearance. ATV lift kits have an average of 2 inch lift. They are also easy bolt-on-bracket system that you can easily install while on the road.

There are several kinds of ATV lift kits available, most of them designed for a specific machine so it isnt choose-your-preference exercise. You should consider your vehicle type and the manufacturers stock suspension. You should consider, too, the existing lift your ATV tires allow on your vehicle and decide how much lift you need installed. You need to balance the overall existing conditions of your ATV and the lift youre going to install, if theres a working harmony between them. Remember, the higher your ATV is from the ground, the higher, too, will be its center of gravity. This, in turn will heighten the risk of your ATV of overturning.

Besides terrain conditions, ATV lift kits are also used to enhance an ATVs working condition. Here are some samples of ATV lift kits and how it is employed to enhance performance.

ATV Lift Kit used: Kawasaki Mule Lift System
Applies on all Mules (Kawasaki)

This lift system provides 2" lift while improving the suspensions of the mule. The kit replaces the front coils, increasing the non cab model spring rate by 15% and the cab model by 35%. Spacers for the struts complete the front lift. The rear lift is achieved using extended length shackles which provide extra clearance.

The improvement would allow a greater load limit than without the enhancement. Since the overall load capabilities have improved, the work capabilities for this machine has proportionally improved.

ATV Lift Kit used: Honda Lift Systems
Applies on: TRX350 -00-04, TRX400 AT 04-05, TRX400 91-93, TRX450 98-05, TRX500 02-05, TRX650 03-04

This 2 inch lift system enhances the bikes handling, performance and stability by making modifications to the stock geometry. The design will be a large factor in stabilizing the bikes suspension and make it more sure footed over rough terrain.

This installation allows more stability in rough terrain. If used in junction with large and wide set of tires, rest assured all rides will be comfortable.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: T J Madigan
For more free articles and information or to view a selection of car and truck articles and information and SUV articles and information visit Articles.net.au - Your source for free Articles, Information and Website Content.

Why Do I Consider Atv Skid Plates So Important?

ATV is one hobby that eats so much of my cash. It often makes a roll of Kleenex surprisingly heavier than my starving wallet. But I never mind that, I have a super cool ATV (that Ive always dreamt of having as a kid) sitting in the garage. Thats it. My ATV is always sitting in that musty garage that friends often check nastily to see if eggs have suddenly appeared underneath the chassis.

As you might have guessed, the problem is that this baby cost so much that I would personally break down if anything should happen to it. And frankly, ATV tends to encounter a lot of potential damages on treacherous terrain or whats the use of an ATV. Might as well buy a hearse. So protect did I, and the best protection I can afford is not taking it out yet. But that was before I installed the ATV skid plates after scrounging enough money to buy a set of sexy ATV skid plates.

Okay disregard sexy, but what is an ATV skid plate? These are plates commonly used to cover the front bumpers and the underside of ATVs to protect the radiator, steering and the chassis (basically the whole body) from damage caused by rocks, dirt and other elements. This is an essential accessory. Except if you use your ATV to deliver the neighborhood milk, aside from yourself, your baby is also bound to get pounded, ravaged, and pounded yet again by a considerable degree. I could stand a minor bruise, hell; I could manage a tourniquet, as long as my baby survives the ride.

There are various kinds of ATV skid plates, and they protect certain areas of your ATV. But probably the most important are the front skid plate to protect the radiator and the belly plate to protect the underside, which, obviously is often in contact with the terrain.

I cant stress enough how important ATV skid plates are. If you are comfortable shelling out $8,000 for ATVs, then still attach the ATV skid plates and do Mother Nature a favor by not scraping every ATV you can get your hands on.

Now, here are some cool sites that offer various ATV skid plates that no doubt youll find sexy.

Most ATV Skid Plates purchased online are do-it-yourself. It comes with manual. But if you still have problems or have some difficulty identifying a screwdriver from a monkey wrench, you could always have it installed by a qualified technician.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: T J Madigan
For more free articles and information or to view a selection of car and truck articles and information and truck articles and information visit Articles.net.au - Your source for free Articles, Information and Website Content.

Atv Wheels And Tires

ATV wheels have the same characteristic: defined threads, durable tear and snag resistant tire material and large balloon like construction.

Definitely the most ingenious aspect of ATV is in its wheels, no arguments. ATVs defining factor is the ATV wheels, making it possible for ATVs to travel and work even in the absence of roads.

All ATV wheels have the same characteristic: large defined threads or knobs for better traction in all kinds of terrain, extra durable tear and snag resistant material for the tire bodies to protect it against puncture from sharp objects, and large balloon-like construction to help the wheels avoid small pits and rocks on the trail. It also helps the wheel climb out of any obstacle. And in some cases afford flotation.

When necessity initiated the ATVs invention in Japan, ATV wheels were the deciding factor in its success. Osamu Takeuchi led the development team that was assigned by Honda Research & Development to develop a vehicle suited for winter travel. The outcome was the development team spawning a prototype vehicle with six ATV wheels. But still the invention didnt have the cutting edge technology that will enable it to meet the demand.

However, when Osamu Takeuchi got hold of an American invention called the Amphi Cat, the design process quickly hasten to completion. The Amphi Cat had rolled on six 20 inch low pressure high flotation balloon tires, and Osamu Takeuchi revamped his ATV invention until it can accept the Amphi Cats wheel which became the trademark of modern day ATV wheels.

To date, there are various types of ATV wheels that are designed to meet specific terrain conditions. Though most wheel types still work adequately on other terrain, there are such ATV wheels that would perform poorly on a specific terrain. One instance would be the race tires against sand dunes.

Race Tires
Usually developed to create greater traction on different conditions, this wheel type has defined knobs and threads. Also, some of these tires are flatter to afford ample hold on the terrain.

Trail Tires
Trail tires are created to be more durable to defend against punctures against sharp objects such as rocks or wood splinters. Some of these tires are large, balloon-like construction to afford flotation (defense against sinking in bogs and sandy parts) in soggy terrain and mud.

Sand Tires
These tires are also called Paddle Tires since the threads do exactly just that - to paddle. These tires are usually made balloon-like, with few but enormously large threads. The balloon construction will help avoid sinking even in the softest sand and the enormous threads afford traction.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: T J Madigan
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Understanding How To Buy A Motorbike

If you are considering buying a motorbike then there is a lot to consider before you decide to choose one. For a start you first have to set a budget to ensure that you do not become too attached to a motorbike that you cannot afford. Many people are just used to buying cars so they have no experience in what it takes to buy a motorbike, how that does that not mean they should be put off buying one; in fact almost the exact opposite!

Buying a bike involves firstly developing a short list of what you are considering. If you have already decided on a specific make and model then you are half way there, however other people have a different approach. Some will decide that they just want a bike and are not too sure about make, model or even engine size. Other people have a different approach where they are already sure about what kind of model they want. Everyone is different, however if you are not too sure you should make a shortlist.

If you are not sure about whether you want a new or used bike then here is what you need to know. Firstly if you are buying a used bike then it will certainly be cheaper than a new bike, however there are a few negative points to consider. For a start it can be a lot more complicated and also hard to work out if you are getting a good deal or not. Many people are worried about how the transaction might go, considering that they are not dealing with a business; instead you are usually dealing with an indvidual. Despite this, this is not always the case. You can always go to a broker or a used motorbike dealer, however they will usually mark-up the price a lot more than an individual selling a bike. It is up to you to consider whether or not it is worth it.

You will also have to set a budget in order to buy a motorbike. Yes, like anything, a motorcycle requires a budget to be set which you can then go onto review. After you have set a budget you can then go onto look at options and automatically right off options that are not what you are looking for.

If you are wanting to buy a motorbike then you will need to consider how you are going to be storing your bike. Yes folks, you should be thinking about this before you actually buy the bike. If you are not able to store your bike, then why would you buy one the now? Many people buy bikes and then have to worry about things. If you do not have a garage then one thing that you could consider doing is asking your neighbour if it is ok to keep your bike there, you could also offer them money to ensure that your proposal is not interpretted as being too rude!

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
Motorcycle Reviewer is a website about motorcycles and motorbikes

Five Things Every Motorcycle Rider Must Consider Before Buying Motorcycle Saddlebags

Summer is fast approaching and you are excited to get out there with your buddies. Some of you might even be planning cross country or inter city tours over one of the following weekends. What comes to your mind when you talk about the long tours? Yes you guessed it right i.e. motorcycle saddlebags. This summer many of you might be buying motorcycle saddlebags for your motorcycle. I must warn you that there are a lot of cheap saddlebags that not only look horrible on your bike but also are of no use.

You can save the frustration and money by simply reading this article and making a better buying decision. The five features a saddlebag must have are lock ability, mounting hardware, quick release buckles, reinforcement and detach ability.

It might sound a lot but lets start with the easiest one i.e. lock ability. By now you must have guessed it right. Having saddlebags that lock gives you a piece of mind. After all, your helmet and jacket need to be safely locked when you go to your neighborhood bar.

The second important feature of saddlebags is mounting hardware. I must say never install saddlebags on a motorcycle without the mounting hardware. Even the cheap throw over bag that come with stings to tie them to shocks and under the seat should never be used without hardware. Mounting hardware should be the responsibility of the seller of the saddlebag. Although it should come with the bags but I think even if the manufacturer charges you for the hardware it is fine. A motorcycle rider should never be left to figure out the semi complicated process of mounting the bags on a bike by companies that claim to be professional saddlebag manufacturers.

Third thing to keep in mind while purchasing a pair of saddlebags is the quick release buckles. It is not very easy to open a large leather bag again and again. Quick release buckle also known as easy locks give you easy access to the inside of the saddlebags.

The fourth most important factor to consider is re enforcement. Some of you might be wondering what that is. Every one who has riding experience of one year and more knows that leather is after all a skin of an animal and it tends to sag over time. However the bags that are reinforced with a metal frame are no subject to such problems.

The last and an important factor to remember is to have bags which come off the motorcycle easily. Many of you would agree that you do not want to see the saddlebags on your motorcycle all the time. Having a way to take them off the motorcycle under few minutes would be a feature the saddlebags must provide.

You might have noticed that I did not mention the issues related to leather. The reason for this is that leather and quality of saddlebags is a completely different however equally important issue. Many manufacturers and resellers of saddlebags claim features such as quality leather and come with 30 day money back guarantee as a feature which have nothing to do with the functions or features of the saddle bags. It is strongly suggested to ask a lot of questions before buying saddlebags in order to avoid unpleasant rides afterwards.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Harry Alan
Harry Alan has been manufacturing Leather Saddlebags for last 11 years..
Find out more information regarding ; Motorcycle saddlebags & Motorcycle Luggage at www.vikingbags.com.

Atv Safety Tips

1. Before You Squeeze The Throttle

* Choose the Right Vehicle - Adult model ATVs are for riders age 16 and older only. Younger riders should never ride an adult-sized vehicle until they are at least age 16. This is especially important, since younger children are usually injured on ATVs due to their size or inexperience with operating vehicles.

* Complete a Safety Course - First-time riders should always take an ATV safety course before heading out on the trails. Safety courses educate riders of the correct way to operate and ride an ATV to ensure he or she knows how to handle the vehicle. Also, safety courses will teach riders of all ages the appropriate behavior when riding an ATV, making it critical for teens and adults to attend.

* Gear Up - Riders should always wear an ATV helmet and other protective gear, including gloves, long pants, footwear that covers the ankles, a long-sleeve shirt or jacket and eye protection.

* Respect Vehicle Capacity Guidelines - Riders should never carry a passenger on an ATV unless the ATV has been specifically designed to carry an operator and a passenger. Since you have to manipulate your weight in order to control the vehicle, two riders on a vehicle is incredibly dangerous. Also, the ATV may be unable to successfully hold the combined weight of two riders, making it less stable and more apt to roll over.

2. When You're Rolling

* Respect the Environment Where You Ride - Always obey all applicable laws and ride only in approved or designated areas and trails. Make sure to get permission before riding on private property and never ride on paved surfaces.

* Choose Your Settings - When it comes to where to ride your ATV, ensure you choose a proper setting. Avoid roads and streets, since ATVs are not designed nor intended to be driven on concrete or asphalt with larger cars and trucks. Also, avoid improper terrain that may encourage the ATV to roll over due to instability in the ground.

* Know Your Limits - Do not ride at excessive speeds or past the limit of your visibility. Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your capability. Increasing the speed — especially through certain terrains—decreases your control and the vehicle’s stability, making you more prone to have an accident.

* Don’t Drive Impaired - Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Even over the counter or prescription medications can impair your reaction time, thinking process, and judgment, so be sure to avoid operating an ATV during this time.

* No Tricks or Stunts - The most injuries on ATVs occur when the vehicles are operated improperly. Take great care in riding your ATV and be sure to avoid any tricks or stunts that will encourage an accident. Furthermore, avoid improper interaction with other individuals, whether they are on an ATV or not.

* Tell a Friend - Always make a plan before you ride and tell someone where you’re going. Ride in a group of two or three and create a buddy system.

* Carry a Communication Device with You - ATV operations should be sure to carry a cell phone or walkie talkie with them at all times so that they can call for help in the event of an emergency. This is especially true if you are riding alone, which is not encouraged, so that someone will be able to find you if you become injured.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: blimpbot
Blimpbot is an experienced ATV driver and a proud owner of ATV Gear and Accessories blog, dedicated to expanding of ATV riding experience with new shiny toys.

Tips For Motorcyle Buyers

Social motorcyclist organizations are organized n specific models or geographically. Some motorcycle organizations raise money for charity holding large rallies all over the word. People choose a motorcycle for a variety of reasons; the main reason is that motorcycles are a cost-effective solution to expensive public transport, help people to avoid the effects of congestion in big cities and allows bikers to use the space between cars to move through slow traffic.

Unfortunately, motorcycles have a high rate of accidents than cars; bikers are pulling out or turning in front of cars frequently these days. Another serious situation is when motorcyclists are running wide in turn and crash or when motorcyclists are mixing drink and ride.

Through taking a look at all areas of the motorcycle community you can find information on all varieties of motorcycle sports, such as those that make motorbike alterations, those that enjoy motorcycle road racing and those that enjoy motorcycle touring. This information should be a consideration when considering all your motorbike needs.

We also have great motorcycle games which are both fun and educational for those that choose to look at them. We also keep everyone up-to-date on new motorcycle accessories and industry news where that is concerned. We also list motorcycle clubs that people host and information on how you can visit these to get optimum enjoyment from being an active member of the community both online and offline as well. We also keep people informed on how they can apply for motorbike loans and insurance, as well as information on the latest apparel that is out there in the market for you to experience. Kawasaki, Buell, Ducati are among the brands that our readers enjoy, along with different types such as electronic bikes and custom bikes. We also have great information on peoples experiences with dealers which we can then in turn pass onto our readers to help them make informed choices in the motorbike market.

Progressive motorcycle insurance is much needed among those who are motorbike fanatics as well as those who are merely motorbike users that do so for the basis utility that a bike has to offer. You can be sure to find everything you are looking for from online companies. Allstate insurance for motorbikes is very popular and that is for sure, even among off road bikers who are looking for an insurance quotation. Cheap motorcycle insurance is what everyone wants, and hopefully with the evolution of the internet this can be achieved for a number of reasons. Firstly because mutual liberty and such has already been achieved, and secondly because motorcycle riders are open to suggestions on what might be the best insurance plan for them and their beloved bike?

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
Motorcycle Reviewer is a motorcycle website about Text to be displayed and accessories

Motorcycles And Motorcycle Accidents

It is easy to see why motorcycles are appealing to a large number of people, old and young alike. These vehicles are great for heavy daily commutes because they are small and maneuverable, making it possible to weave in and out of traffic and split lanes to get ahead of the crush of cars that are otherwise stalled. This practice is not only legal, it is encouraged as a method of relieving congestion and getting at least a few motorists off of the roads faster, hopefully cutting down of pollution as well.

Motorcycles are also much more economical than a car, so if you are commuting alone, then you are spending far less gas in addition to being able to spend less time in traffic. Motorcycles are highly customizable, and just about anyone can get a motorcycle that fits their tastes and personality from something great for cruising the roads on a sunny day to a speed machine that is up for anything.

Unfortunately, motorcycles are also incredibly dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 4008 motorcyclists were killed in 2004, and over 76,000 were injured that same year. The NHTSA tells us that about half of all motorcycles involved in deadly accidents collided with another vehicle, and one third of motorcyclists died while speeding. This twice the fatality rate for drivers of passenger vehicles or light trucks.

Many motorcyclists choose not to wear helmets, further increasing the risk of fatality when it comes to a collision, and things like alcohol impairment or improper training can lead to even more crashes and more fatalities. Injuries sustained because of a motorcycle accident are almost always severe in the case of the motorcycle driver, with many injuries resulting in a severe drop in quality of life.

While many motorcycle accidents could have been prevented by adherence to traffic laws on the part of the cyclist, many other accidents are caused by other drivers who were not aware of their surroundings or who were otherwise impaired or negligent in their driving. A motorcycle accident attorney can help you to sort out the details of your collision if you have been involved in a motorcycle accident.

If you do not fight for your rights under the law, the insurance companies involved in the handling of your motorcycle accident may try to get out of paying you what they owe you for your injuries sustained as well as for the damage to your vehicle and personal property during the crash.

A motorcycle accident attorney can help you fight back for yourself, even while you are injured and recovering from the accident. Your motorcycle accident attorney will fight beside you against the insurance companies or other drivers involved in order to make sure that you are treated fairly and given the compensation that you deserve.

An attorney who is experienced in handling motorcycle accident cases will also be able to help you to make your case despite the potential severity of injuries sustained during the accident. An experienced attorney is the key to making sure that your case is handled properly, since laws can be complex and can apply differently based on other factors.

Many people might assume that if you were in a motorcycle accident, that it was your fault. Many attorneys will not even fight for you if you have been involved in a motorcycle accident for this very reason. A motorcycle accident attorney will know the real facts. In many cases, motorcycle accidents are the result of an inattentive driver who does not see the motorcycle or otherwise mistakes the capabilities of the bike and causes an accident.

Your motorcycle accident attorney will evaluate the facts of the case and help you determine if you have a motorcycle injury base before leading you through the filing process and helping you to get the money that you deserve for your injuries and damage sustained. Most motorcycle accident attorneys will even evaluate your case for free to help you determine how best to proceed.

A personal injury attorney can help you to make your case if he or she is willing to work with you, but your chances are best when working with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney at your side.

The experience in the specific field makes all the difference in ensuring that your case is handled in exactly the right manner, and a motorcycle accident attorney will be used to dealing with cyclists like you and injuries like yours. He or she will be able to help you win your case and get on with your life.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
Nick Johnson is lead counsel and founding partner of Johnson Law Group. Johnson represents plaintiffs injured in auto accidents, truck accidents and vehicle rollovers. Call 1-888-311-5522 immediately or visit www.topautoaccidentattorneys.com or www.toprolloveraccidentattorneys.com

Three Things A Motorcycle Rider Must Know Before Buying A Motorcycle Saddlebag

With the increase in gas prices more and more people are opting for motorcycles. When motorcycle is used as primary or most frequent mean of transportation the motorcycle saddlebags become an absolute necessity. Most of what fits in your backpack and even bigger items can be easily and more securely carried in a good quality leather saddlebag.

The concept of motorcycle saddlebags stems from the sacks used to carry luggage on horses and mules in old days. Motorcycle saddlebags are far more advanced and high tech than the sacks used on horses. At an average speed that a motorcycle travels it required a secure and convenient mean of carrying the rider's belongings. This article offers step by step guidelines for choosing the right kind of motorcycle luggage.

The most important factor while choosing the saddlebag for you motorcycle is determining whether it provides security to the motorcycle rider and his luggage. You might come across offers from several online retailers offering extremely cheap saddlebags. But do you think they provide a complete solution to you and if they do not then what is a complete solution.

A complete solution or three things a motorcycle rider must know before buying a motorcycle saddlebags are whether they can be mounted on a motorcycle securely, can be locked and are easy to access. In order to mount a motorcycle saddlebag on any motorcycle the saddlebags must accompany mounting hardware. A set of motorcycle bags that does not include or provides clear instructions regarding the mounting of it on a motorcycle is not a safe solution. In absence of a motorcycle mounting hardware the motorcycle riders attempt to tie the saddlebags with the fender can lead them into a serious accident. It can also cause damage to the back fender of the motorcycle.

The second important and one of the most needed features of saddlebags is their ability to lock. Try to buy saddlebags that can be easily locked. This would give you a piece of mind while away from you motorcycle.

The third critical factor to consider while hunting for a good pair of motorcycle saddlebags is connivance. Try to buy saddlebags that are easy to access. By ease of access I mean quick release buckles. Quick release buckles let you open and close the motorcycle luggage without buckling and unbuckling its straps.

Some more advance features that you should look for are detach ability, reinforcement, and color matching. More and more motorcycle riders are choosing motorcycle saddlebags that can get taken of and put on the motorcycle within seconds. This option is available in more expensive set of motorcycle bags.

Color matching is another popular phenomenon. More and more bikers are trying to match the color of their bags with their motorcycle; this certainly enhances the motorcycle's look.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Harry Alan
Harry Alan has been manufacturing Leather Saddlebags for last 11 years..
Find out more information regarding ; Motorcycle saddlebags & Motorcycle Luggage at www.vikingbags.com.

Motorcycle Online Shopping On Ebay

Many people prefer to look for bargains through online auction sites such as Ebay. When they do their motorcycle online shopping on Ebay, they take the handy link that Ebay has placed on their homepage and are taken directly to Ebay Motors. This is the place where anyone can shop for motorcycles and automobiles too.

The motorcycle online shopping on Ebay can be as quick and easy as you want it to be. Some motorcycle shoppers want to browse for hours or days and they are intent on finding the best bargains on many types of motorcycles. They may not want to personally drive each one either, and are simply interested in finding motorcycles at great prices that they can re-sell in their home towns for a profit.

When people go motorcycle online shopping on Ebay, they have some motorcycle brands to choose from right at the start of their shopping day. Ebay makes it easy to shop and clearly defines some of the more popular brands of motorcycles that have been favorites of people for many years. Brands such as Harley Davidson, Suzuki and Yamaha are very recognizable, but some motorcycle buyers might want to explore motorcycle rarities such a old Triumph models that are collectibles.

Many motorcycle buyers are wary of buying any motorcycle online. When motorcycle online shopping on Ebay, however, they can relax their standards a notch because Ebay is famous for providing a Sellers feedback rating. This feedback rating lets any potential buyer know what the selling history comments have been and will readily identify any problems that the Seller has had with any past motorcycle transaction.

People prefer to be informed when shopping online and Ebay informs the motorcycle buyer of the vehicle history and any inspection reports that the Seller has provided in the listing. Motorcycle buyers consider Ebay to be a safe environment to shop because Sellers have to spend their own money to list each motorcycle that they have for sale. When people do their motorcycle online shopping on Ebay, they are afforded the opportunity to see multiple views of the motorcycle too.

Bargaining for the best price is fun when motorcycle online shopping on Ebay. Some people use the Buy it Now feature because they know that is the lowest price on the Net. They feel very confident that they are getting the lowest price because they have taken the time to research other automotive sites and have not found anything that is priced lower than on Ebay. Some motorcycles are in poor condition and the Seller will state in the description area of the listing that he is willing to allow potential buyers to make an offer, and this is when motorcyclists have the best opportunity to find the best bargains on Ebay by paying a price that they say is right for them.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Jim Brown
James Brown writes about HelmetAudio.com coupon codes, Moto Leather coupon and J&P Cycles coupon

Refining Keywords Used In Motorcycle Online Shopping

Many shoppers do not understand what marketing techniques are used by companies to make their products easy to find when people choose to do their shopping through the Internet retail outlets. People shopping for motorcycles are surprised to know that they are sold online. They do not know about refining keywords used in motorcycle online shopping searches either.

Some people have never used a computer before and might not be aware of what a search engine is. They might not be aware that the search engine could make finding a motorcycle a very simple task and without some education on refining keywords used in motorcycle online shopping, they probably will have a very hard time finding a specific motorcycle that was made in a specific year.

There are some talented individuals who have been refining keywords used in motorcycle online shopping efforts for years. They can adeptly sit at a computer keyboard, access sites such as Yahoo and use the search engines to locate any type of motorcycle that someone might want. They could begin refining keywords used in motorcycle online shopping and end up with a complete list of motorcycles and motorcycle parts and they would be able to give you the name of several retailers who sell that particular motorcycle on the internet.

Some people try to bluff their way through it and use terms around their friends that make it sound like they are computer savvy or in laymen terms make it sound like they are computer literate. Those that are computer literate would already know about search engines and have been refining keywords used in motorcycle online shopping for years. The people who are comfortable with search engines know about Google and are thoroughly knowledgeable about how to navigate around the Net.

The more knowledgeable search engine artists have found web sites that specialize in letting you know what the most often keywords are for motorcycles. When refining keywords used in motorcycle online shopping ads, it is better for a seller to know which keywords are used most often because those keywords will improve the chances of people finding the motorcycle or part that they are trying to sell.

When a seller writes a product description for their item and includes these keywords throughout the article, then they are increasing the odds even more. With various keywords being used in the body of the ad, the seller is improving the chances that a person will locate the item that they are selling on their personal page. As the number of people that find the description rises, then the rankings for that description will also rise on the search engines. The higher the ranking it earns means more visibility and the importance of refining keywords used in motorcycle online shopping ads starts to get clearer to the writer of the ad.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Jim Brown
James Brown writes about Motorcycle Parts and Accessories discounts, Motorcycle Superstore deals and helmetaudio.com coupon code

Discount Coupons For Motorcycle Online Shopping

Some motorcycle riders would never think to look for discount coupons for motorcycle online shopping trips. If they did, they might find that there are many websites on the internet that offer discount coupons and codes that are only good if the motorcycle is purchased through an online motorcycle retailer.

Some of the discount coupons apply to a certain City or State, but if that is the City and State where you live then you have access to a large number of savings at a particular dealership that is only a few miles away from you. Some of the coupons that they offer can be used on a motorcycle purchase, but there are several others listed online that could be used to reduce the cost of a snowmobile or an all-terrain vehicle.

Some discount coupons are provided by motorcycle retailers to visitors as a reward to them for taking the time to sign their online guestbook. This must be a selling strategy that gets people to buy from that store and serves as evidence to document their work efforts to their boss. If sales are slow, some motorcycle salesmen find that they must do this to prove to their boss that they are actually doing their job after they clock in for the day.

Parents can get very creative at Christmas and give gift certificates as gifts. They might go as far as giving several gift certificates out at one time. The family members receiving the gift certificates never have to know that their parents used coupon codes on each purchase, and were given printable coupons too that they could use on other recreational activities that the entire family could enjoy.

Some people use discount coupons for motorcycle online shopping because of the free shipping offers that they provide. Not all motorcycle dealerships sell the exact same motorcycle for the same price, and depending on which area in the country you are in, being able to use free shipping to have it delivered to your door is just like buying a motorcycle that is right down the street from you but is being sold at a significantly lower price.

Using discount coupons for motorcycle online shopping makes a lot of sense. Some of these coupons can be printed on the home computer and used at any motorcycle dealership that you choose. Other discount coupons are only good if you complete the payment process online and this type of discount is the most thrilling.

By entering a few letters or number, or a combination of the two in one small block on an e-commerce shopping cart, people have been able to save hundreds of dollars in one day. The money that is saved can be used to fill the tank on the motorcycle and go on a long road trip, or used toward a new exhaust pipe that you have a discount coupon for. A daily search for discount coupons on the internet might render other coupons that some friend could use to upgrade their motorcycle one day.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Jim Brown
James Brown writes about Moto Leather promo code, HelmetAudio.com promo code and jpcycles.com coupon code

Motorcycle Clothes Could Save Your Life

Styling or protection, what do you need to consider about the type of clothing to wear on your motorcycle? First and foremost, you need protection from injury.

There nothing like laying your bike down on asphalt and leaving lots of your skin on the street to get you to think about wearing protective clothing on your motorcycle. If you are like most peopke, you think about falling (impact) or abrasions. Both of these type of injuries can be very painful especially if you survive them. Clothing can play an important part in both primary and secondary safety.

Are you aware that 30% (50% at night) of drivers involved in accidents with motorcycles claim they didn't see the bike? How many times have you not seen a motorcyclist and you are even more aware of them than the average driver?
Driving in your neighborhood on your bike could be highly dangerous. Approximately 90% of urban motorcycle accidents are caused the other driver not by the motorcyclist. Riding with your headlights on is very important to being seen. Bright colors or reflective stripes can help a lot.

since the human body is really not very impact resistant, you are going to need to wear some protective clothes. Sometimes you just got to fall off your bike to avoid even more serios problem, you will need to minimize the injury from impact. That old saying it didn't hurt till I stop could very well apply to you. there are some very cool impact resistant clothing, jackets, pants, etc that come in the form of armor or padding. The are especially adapt at absorbing the impact and spread the load across the body. This reduces injuries. You probably have seen them already. The jackets looks like the cyclist is all bulked up. It has armor protection or pads where the body meets the road. Know Armor makes these but there are others. They can be expensive but if you can't afford armor then go for high density foam. Some protection is better than none at all.

Ok, so now you have fell off your bike and are skidding quite rapidly. You need clothing that will protect you from abrasion, the friction of the aspalt against skin. Normally shirts and pants are no good in this type of situation. Your skin will help but only for a few seconds. What should I be wearing? The answer is leather. Haven't you noticed that the stunt drivers wear leather to proctect them not just to look cool. It is part of their protective gear. Cordura and Kevlar are pretty abrasion resistant but can't match the protection of leather. Your leather jacket needs to be thicker than something your would wear on a date.

Have you considered wearing a one piece suit? They provide better protection that wearing a leather jacket and pants. If you are skidding across the asphalt, one or both pieces could provide an opening for the asphalt to take a bite out of you. Getting in and out of those one piece suits can be difficult but fun for everyone else to watch. Seriously make sure either your jackets, pants or suit is re-enforced in areas that are proned to high impact or friction. The good jackets and suits will have armor or pads in those areas. Make sure your jacket, pants or suit fit snugly but comfortably. Out here in the desert, it can get pretty hot so look for ventilation holes in the jackets, pants or suits.

All motorcycle helmet equipment must comply with U.S. Department of Transportation Sec. 571.218 Standard No. 218 FMVSS 218 - 49 CFR 571.218. I don't believe there any U.S. standards for abrasion or impact clothing. The
European Standard EN1621-1/1997 would be good to look for in your clothing in the U.s. To gain the CE mark products have to be tested and approved by an independent, Government approved test house. While the CE mark can't guarantee to prevent all injuries in an accident, it may significantly reduce the severity of your injuries.

Boots & Gloves are just as important as your jacket and pants. Those fingers are attached and your want to keep them attached and in good working order. The same goes for your feet. The trick here is to get the protection but also allows you to safely operate your bike without any problem. Think leather. It is always a good choice! You can find gloves that will have padding around your knucles. Keep in mind the weather and how it can affect your hands and feet.

Motorcycle boots can seem expensive, but you can they can last you for a very long time. Since your feet operate the brakes and shifters, you want boots that fit and are comfortable and do not interfere with you doing your job.

They say dress for success. Well, you need to dress for cycling so that you can do it over and over again. Fortunateley, most of the motorcycle clothes you purchase will last for a long time because of the material they are made out of. Go out and enjoy your self.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Jerry Johnson
Jerry Johnson owns the Motorcycle Clothes Store and Deals On Pocketbikesas well as several other successful webstores. Visit MotorcycleClothesStore.com and Deals on Pocketbikes for great values on your cycle apparel and pocketbikes.

Understanding Your Mufflers

Ever heard of cars without mufflers? Well, get ready to cover your ears. Mufflers may look like some tube somewhere in the engine but you'd be amazed at what it can do with regards to a vehicle's noise level. Here are some top facts you need to know about them.

What is a muffler?

A muffler is a tubular acoustic device that is inserted in the exhaust system. It is designed to reduce noise. Inside it, you will find a tube set with holes on them. They work in the same manner like a musical instrument by reflecting waves that transmit sound caused by the vehicle engine. In this way, some of the waves are cancelled out.

How does a muffler work?

The key to knowing how mufflers work is to know and understand the concept of canceling sound first. To cancel out sound is to make a wave of sound that is precisely the opposite of some other wave.

This would mean that if the engine produces a certain sound wave, the muffler would produce the exact opposite of this sound wave consequently making the two waves out of phase. If the waves are out of phase, zero amplitude is produced called destructive interference.

So if the sound wave produced by the car engine is at the maximum, the muffler will be producing the same wave at the minimum. When the two waves hit your eardrum, you hear nothing because the waves when added add up to nothing. In order to cancel out sound, a tube set is found inside a muffler. These tubes are made to produce waves that reflect and get in the way with each other.

This is how it happens. The sound waves get inside the tube at the center into the muffler's body and then go into another chamber called the "resonator". The resonator, equipped with a specific length and some air, is the chamber that's responsible in creating a wave that wipes out a definite sound frequency. It is here that sound waves are canceled out. After going into the resonator, the sound waves take a turn and leave through the last pipe, leaving the muffler.

What are the other kinds of mufflers?

Glass Pack Muffler. This muffler works by simply absorbing sound waves to reduce sound. Active Noise-Canceling Mufflers. The system used in this type of muffler incorporates a speaker and a microphone set. A computer is utilized to monitor and give a signal to the speaker. Most industrial generators use this type of muffler.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Jim Brown
James Brown writes about MotoSport promo code, J&P Cycles coupon and Moto Leather coupon

2 Stroke Bikes Of The 70's And 80's

Being a teenager back in the 70's and early 80's meant that your first form of transport at the age of 16 was probably one of the many mopeds on the market. Bikes like the Yamaha FS1E, Suzuki's AP50, Garelli's Tigercross,Fantic Caballero and the 4 stroke Honda SS50 to name but a few.

With a top speed of around 50 MPH these little bikes opened up a whole new world for youngsters who wanted to feel grown up. With a bit of tax,insurance and some petrol in the tank, they could travel for around 100 miles on one tank full of fuel but in reality all they ever done was to drive around the towns where they lived annoying the locals by riding around in large groups.

These little mopeds were often abused, thrashed and smashed by their young riders and as a result of this, a lot of them didn't last very long. You were only interested in mopeds until you turned 17 and then you were legally allowed to ride a 250cc bike with learner plates until you passed your test. After that, there was no limit to the bike you could ride.

A generation of cult 2 strokes emerged, bikes like the Yamaha RD250/400 air-cooled, RD350LC, RD500, Suzuki's GT250X7, RG500, Kawasaki KH250,the legendry H2 750 Triple and Honda's NS400 to name but a few.

These high performance 2 strokes were the main choice for youngsters because of their power and sports styling. A lot of youngsters were killed as a result of having little riding experience.This prompted changes in the law when in 1978 mopeds were governed to a maximum speed of 30 mph and this then brought an end to the sports moped era. In 1982, 17 year olds were restricted to ride 12 BHP 125 cc bikes on learner plates so this killed off the demand for the 250cc 2 strokes.

Over the following years, emission laws got tighter and these bikes were forgotten. Nearly 30 years on a generation of 40 something's have remembered the fun these bikes brought and are now actively restoring and riding these cult bikes again. As a result of this, clubs have been formed and the prices of these bikes has rocketed over the last few years.

Just take a look on the auction websites and you will find a mass of classic 2 strokes and parts selling for serious money. There is a whole network of people who have started businesses restoring these old bikes and make a living doing it too.

A lot of these bikes were left in the back of garages and sheds when their young owners passed their car test and forgotten about. You may know of someone who may have one of these bikes sitting in the back of their garage and could be sitting on a little gold mine.

One of the greatest things about owning and riding a 2 stroke motorcycle was the way the power came in. Low down the rev range there was very little power but when you hit a certain amount of revs, the bikes used to take off like a scalded cat. This rush of acceleration is what we all wanted. Today's superbikes are capable of outrageous top speeds but the laws don't allow you to travel at these speeds let alone all the speed traps there are about. At least you can ride these classic 2 strokes and get the thrill of a power band and not excessively break any speed limits.

If you are interested in these classic bikes, why not try one out. You may be surprised with the fun you can have.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Martin Butler
Martin Butler is a big fan of these bikes and has a collection of the bikes he had when he was young. Find out more at www.seemar.com or a special offer at www.seemar.com/resellers-offer

The Bmw Motorcycle Larger Than Life Legacy

The BMW does not only produce cars; as a matter of fact one of its most earliest products was their motorcycle. The R32 BMW motorcycle was the first to be introduced, back in the year 1932. Decades ago this R series further developed and had their own trademark both in the racing world as well as in the commercial market.

The "boxer twin" engine came with the first BMW motorcycle and had cooled cylinders sticking out from opposing sides of the machine for a superior cooling mechanism, which was very unique for that time. In addition they also produced the K, G, and F series shortly after that. One unique feature was the addition of the lockable differential technology, which gave the motorcycles the capability for off-road use as well.

Measuring up to the Brand's Name

One of the primary reasons as to why people love the BMW motorcycle, compared to other widely known brands is that they give both a relaxed and comfortable ride as well as a sporty feel to them. Additionally, they have a very majestic and big look, however they are very light in essence, which is excellent for when you're riding off-road.

Back in 1993 a revolutionary change came into the R series BMW motorcycle. The newly introduced BMW R series motorcycle were now oil cooled and were equipped with four valves per cylinder. After that in 2004, double spark plugs per cylinder were added, together with a balance shaft.

This gave the motorcycle much more power, rising to 100 hp or a capacity of 1200 CC. If your desire is to have a very powerful but also comfortable motorcycle, you probably will not want to miss this BMW motorcycle series. This is basically because the motorcycle can be used for both common daily usage as well as rough riding.

Sophisticated Performance Classes For Everyone

At present BMW has four primary motorcycle series, they include the G, F, R, and K series. The classes of engines are actually what the series are based on. The current F. series was introduced back in 1994 as the F650, with an engine that has four valves, single piston, with a 650 cc four stroke design and chain drive.

It was initially introduced as an entry-level BMW motorcycle, and subsequently was redesigned about six years after that with a different label, the F650GS. Presently, the most notable F series motorcycles are the 800S sports series motorcycle and the F800ST sports tour version.

The off-road versions of these motorcycles were introduced as G series and manufactured in cooperation with Aprilia. This particular series of BMW motorcycle is equipped with a 650 CC engine capable of producing 53 BHP. In a heavier range is the K series BMW motorcycle, that is competitive to the Japanese premier sport motorcycles.

This particular series is exceedingly fast and can achieve speeds of up to 280 kmph. The design of the current R series was constructed on the basis of the older R series, but much improved. And the latest R's, which are the R1150R, R1200S, and the R1200R, are capable of producing 122 hp, and is nearly as powerful as the low-end luxury car.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Corbin Newlyn
Corbin Newlyn is an avid follower in the automotive industry. You can find more valuable up to date information at BMW Reviews and at BMW Dealership.

Searching For The Right Hog

A Harley Davidson isn't a motorcycle, a mindset, a ride, or a hog. It's an entire culture within our national fabric complete with leather clothes, wild rides, thousands of t-shirts and darn good people. When you purchase a Harley you are entering a whole new world with friends in every corner and a way of life stretching out before you like a long scenic stretch of highway. For folks wanting to purchase a Harley who aren't close to a dealership or who simply like to do things online there are several ways to be a part of this vibrant community.

Straight To The Dot

Harley-Davidson is a dealer site that really packs a punch. You can view videos of their motorcycles in action and get 360o pictures along with a full description and options available. You pick the motorcycle by picture so you don't have to go through a bunch of names to see a bike you like. They also have a database of pre-owned Harleys and a great program called "Try-a-Bike" where you can see a list of demo ride events offered in cities around the country. Another bonus for people not quite sure if a Harley is for them, is found on the "Experience" page where you can go to plan a trip and rent a Harley while you are there. For great descriptions and community spirit, the dealer site is the place to start.

Local Dealers

Not only does Harley-Davidson have an amazing site, but each local dealer also has a site full of amenities and helpful links. As an example: Barnett Harley-Davidson in El Paso, Texas has a list of current bikes in inventory, internet specials, and clothing you can purchase online for you or a hog loving friend. A step in a more practical direction, the site also shows financial calculators, and lists financing options for customers with weak credit, and customers wanting to buy a privately owned Harley Davidson. You can also link to the Harley's Owner Group (H.O.G.) in El Paso or see photos of the store and area. Each local website is different but they all offer helpful advice and sales online.

Blogs About Hogs

If you want advice from the riders themselves or just want to share thoughts and feelings about the Harley experience, there are hundreds of blogs on the internet directed to and written by Harley owners. Some blogs are highly technical parts manifests or advice on everything from oil changes to trickle chargers. Others are more introspective travel dairies of people who have undertaken a cross country journey on their bike. There are blogs that list the most helpful dealerships or where you can stop along a cross-country trip if you need a good meal or quick repair. Harley collectibles from Zippo lighters to leather chaps also have their own blog sites where collectors can buy and trade, discover release dates and relate tales of where they acquired their object.

Harley-Davidson is more than just a brand, it's a people who like loud bikes, long rides, and shared experiences. Getting your Harley online is one of many ways go along for the ride.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Jim Brown
James Brown writes about Performance Products online coupons, PartsAmerica.com deals and AutoSport Catalog discount codes

Analyzing The History Of A Motorbike. Can It Affect Its Sale?

Ahead of making an online purchase of a motorbike, think of how fixable your bike might be. With this, recourse must still be made to online guidance.

Visit mechanics online and they will tell you the basics that you need to know. It may not be advisable at all times to ask for this help from the sellers. He has his own concerns of which the most important is profit maximization even at you own detriment. It costs nothing to brows a few minutes through the web, but it achieves a lot in saving you of your finances.

Another alternative is to look for those sites that will always provide room for ratings of its products. If the seller does not give room for ratings, forget it. Ratings are scores gotten through the experiences of other users and they will honestly want to tell out their likes and dislikes of the motorbike. These ratings will tell how trustworthy the seller or the model can be.

Depending on your budget, you may want to go in for a fairly used or brand new motorbike. Take note that the probability of affecting repairs on a brand new bike will be lower than that of a fairly used bike.

The web also has tools to tell of the history of new as well as fairly used motorcycles. It may be surprising to note that you will find the history of motorbikes the date back as for as two decades. The older the make, the more feasible to find information that can be of help to prospective customers.

Also bear in mind that you must not rely on a particular model. Due to a lot of high demand and innovation, models are said to change everyday. But also take note that some so-called new models are simply a replica of an older version, thus the only thing that significantly changes if the body works.

Also think twice of the type of motorbike you want to buy. A simple bike will normally be easier to repair than a sophisticated bike with electronic and wireless devices tagged on to it. A sophisticated bike is synonymous to complications. A lot of break downs can occur at any time. Apart from being expensive to repair, sophisticated bikes will also take a lot of time to be repaired. This will equally mean you cannot do the basic repairs through a user's manual. You are left at not choice, but to always pay an expert for his services. I think only a true test of the bike will reveal its sophisticated nature.

Where do you intend to use the bike? This fact is equally a determinant to access reparability or your bike. For example, if the bike is popular in your area, it will mean spare parts and other accessories will be available. Check out the web and see what areas the models are best suitable for. Your topography may not suit the bike's usage.

Working out the cost of repair of a motorcycle is not a day's job. Thus you must be prepared to carry out an in-depth research. It takes a lot to achieve what you want.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Jim Brown
James Brown writes about AutoBarn.com coupon codes, JC Whitney discount codes and AutoSport Catalog coupon

Are You Thinking Of Shopping Online For Motorcycles?

At this point in time, you might have made a decision to shop online for a motorcycle. It is true that nothing may stop you or make you take a u-turn. But before you go ahead, the following tips may be of great help to you. You may just be looking for a motorcycle or you might be leaning on a particular make. There is a lot of information over the internet. The question is, what amount and what quality of research will you carry out to ensure that you get what you want and at your budget.

First and foremost, you are not into direct contact with the seller and if you conclude on a deal without taking the prescribed steps, the sale contract will be binding on you. Repudiation will be impossible at law. Every businessman is out to make profit even at your own detriment, although there are some few honest dealers. So ensure that you are dealing with the manufacturer directly. Dealing with agents will imply that the agents' fees will be added to the total price you pay. No agent is there to work for free. Weigh every possible price against the others and choose on the best one that will cost the smallest amount of your finance.

When shopping online, take note that there are certain things which might not be disclosed to you. The subject of disclosure is mainly the product and the price. Taxes and expenses for delivery may be included. So check out for the actual price to see if taxes and may be custom duties are included.

Another fact is that you are shopping online and there will never be that prospect to come face to face with the dealer to test the bike. This is mostly the case with used motorbikes. You will not have the opportunity of verifying any existing defects. For example, an oil leakage or worn out brakes and tires may mean the bike is not in good condition. These will automatically affect the price of the bike. The best option is to get access to auction sites. Items like motorbikes and other engine propelled devices are always sold at a cheaper rate when auctioned.

Check out for other accessories that you may want to use simultaneously with your intended bike. If it is being offered by the same dealer, it will be advisable to buy them from the same source as these will be sold at a reasonable discount.

How do you intend to pay for your new motorbike? To pay in installments or hire purchase is usually an easy means to acquire a bike. What I would advocate is to make a once and for all payment and in cash only. There are a lot of hidden dangers when using your credit card or making bank transfers online. First your credit card number might be stolen and take note that each time you pay in installments, you get charges deducted for making that payment from your account. Thus the final amount you pay for the bike will be more than the initial price.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Jim Brown
James Brown writes about Moto Leather online coupons, Motorcycle Superstore coupon codes and Racerwheel coupon

Pocket Bikes And The Federal Government!

A pocket bike is a two wheeled motorized device that has a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and that is not designated or manufactured for highway use.
Pocket bikes do not include an off-highway motorcycle as defined in section 436 of the Vehicle Code.

Is my "Pocket Bike" Allowed on Public Land? The short answer "No". Recent legislation prohibits pocket bikes from being operated on public land. Section 21720 is added to the California Vehicle Code to read, "A pocket bike shall not be operated on a sidewalk, roadway, or any other part of a highway, or on a bikeway, bicycle path or trail, equestrian trail, hiking or recreational trail, or on public lands open to off-highway motor vehicle use."

What will happen if I'm caught riding my "Pocket Bike" on Public Land? Recent legislation allows for peace officers to seize the bike and hold it for a maximum of 48 hours. The violator shall be responsible for all costs associated with the removal, seizure and storage.
Additionally, new legislation requires the manufacturer of the pocket bike to place a sticker on the bike that reads:

The pocket bike you have purchased or obtained is strictly prohibited from being operated on a sidewalk, roadway, or any other part of a highway, or on a bikeway, bicycle path or trail, equestrian trail, hiking or recreational trail, or on public lands open to off highway vehicle use. A violation of this regulation may result in prosecution and seizure of the device.

Pocketbikes are small motorcycles powered by 40-49cc gasoline engines or electric motors. They are being marketed and sold improperly as "motor scooters". Pocket bikes meet the definition of a motorcycle as defined by California Vehicle Code 400(a):

CVC 400(a): A "motorcycle" is any motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for use by the rider, designed to travel on not more then three wheels in contact with the ground, and weighing less then 1500 lbs. As the motors on pocket bikes are under 150cc, they are further defined as a "motor driven cycle" per CVC 405C

VC 405: A "motor driven cycle" is any motorcycle with a motor that displaces less then 150 cubic centimeters.

A motor driven cycle must be registered with the DMV for use on a public roadway or off-street public parking facility. The rider must be issued a valid driver license with M1 (motorcycle) endorsement per CVC12500 (b) and CVC12804.9 (a). The rider must wear an approved motorcycle helmet per CVC27803. The motor driven cycle must also be equipped with all required safety equipment.

The DMV is not currently registering "pocket bikes" due to a lack of required identifying numbers (Vehicle Identification Number and Engine Number). This means that "pocket bikes" may not be driven on any public roadway or off street parking facility.

If pocket bikes are properly registered (if the DMV permits registration at a future date), riders must follow all rules of the road and applicable equipment requirements as would any other motorcycle or vehicle and are subject to citations for violations observed by officers of this department.

Pocket bikes may still be used on private property (areas not open to public vehicular traffic) urges those riders to obtain training in the safe operation of these vehicles and wear appropriate safety equipment.

There are more agencies and organizations that are clamoring to define pocket bikes and issue calls for increase regulations. Here is one from the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.

Whereas, the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) is an association representing its U.S. and Canadian membership by working collaboratively to support and improve motor vehicle administration, safety, identification security and law enforcement; and whose activities include developing model programs in motor vehicle administration, police traffic services and highway safety, serving as an information clearinghouse for these same disciplines, and acting as the international spokesman for these interests; and

Whereas, in order to reduce traffic collisions and deaths and injuries resulting from traffic collisions, Congress has required the federal Department of Transportation to prescribe minimum safety standards for any motor vehicle manufactured primarily for use on public roads; has prohibited the manufacture, sale, import and distribution of motor vehicles that do not conform with those federal motor vehicle safety standards; and

Whereas, responding to Congress' call, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), has promulgated motor vehicle safety standards at 49 CFR 571, including safety standards for motorcycles and motor-driven cycles, and requires manufacturers to certify that vehicles manufactured for on-road use meet all applicable safety standards; and

Whereas, miniature motorcycles commonly referred to as 'pocket bikes' resemble traditional racing motorcycles in every respect except for their small size and pocket bikes do not meet the minimum height specification for headlamps, tail lamps, stop lamps and turn signals for motorcycles or motor-driven cycles; and

Whereas, their low height makes pocket bikes exceedingly difficult for other motorists to see whenever they are operated on a road; and

Whereas, the laws of some states specifically recognize pocket bikes and prohibit their operation on public highways in that state, but many state's laws do not specifically recognize pocket bikes, regarding them as 'motorcycles' that might be registered and operated on public roads by qualified riders; and

Whereas, lack of federal regulation, guidance or standards clearly applicable to pocket bikes has created confusion for law enforcement officials, motor vehicle administrators and state and local government officials; now, therefore, be it:

Resolved by the Board of Directors of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, that AAMVA finds that, because pocket bikes do not meet federal motor vehicle safety standards.

They are not "manufactured primarily for use on public highways" within the meaning of federal law; and be it further resolved that AAMVA shall endeavor to develop and strengthen relationships with other safety organizations and law enforcement agencies and national safety organizations to promote awareness of safety concerns and insure that state laws prohibit the operation of pocket bikes on public roads; and

Be it further resolved that jurisdictions should not title or register for on-road use pocket bikes, 'mini-choppers', or any other non-standard motorcycle that does not meet federal motor vehicle safety standards for vehicles intended for use on public highways, and that lacks the manufacturer's certification label stating that the vehicle meets all applicable safety standards in effect on the date of manufacture, unless state or federal law specifically exempts the vehicle from such standards and certification; and

Be it further resolved that AAMVA shall provide this resolution to CPSC, NHTSA, National Traffic Law Center, and National Conference of State Legislatures, Governors Highway Safety Association and other appropriate Federal and State agencies.

Where does this leave pocket bike owners? They can still be ridden but not on public highways, sidewalks or public land. However, they can be enjoyed on private property. The rider and their parents should understand the pocketbike is not a toy and therefore requires that they ride responsibly including full head protection as well as protective clothes.

Article Directory: http://www.articlecrash.com/
By: Jerry Johnson
Jerry Johnson owns the Motorcycle Clothes Store and Deals On Pocketbikes as well as several other successful webstores. Visit MotorcycleClothesStore.com and Deals on Pocketbikes for great values on your cycle apparel and pocketbikes.