One of the most common problems with motorcycle Luggage especially saddlebags is sagging. Over the years or some times over the months the saddlebags start cracking and sagging due to either the weather or poor quality. This can be a very frustrating situation as the saddlebags can start to look very unappealing and ruin the aesthetics of a motorcycle.
The good news is that there is a solution that most people do not know about. In case your saddlebags are sagging or cracking you should contact your local hardware store. Get abs plastic glue that is usually found in the plumbing section of most hardware stores. If the saddlebag has a crack or a small hole this abs thick glue can be used to fill the crack. However in many cases these cracks are not minor and look more like a hole in the saddlebag.
In order to deal with a saddlebag with a hole the procedure differs slightly. The application of the following process might vary slightly. The first thing in case of a hole is to get hold of the best duct tape you can find. Make sure it is black in color. It is highly recommended to carry out this procedure in a well ventilated place. Also make sure that the saddlebags are empty while carrying out this repair. Close the hole by applying the duct tape from inside the saddlebag. After closing the hole properly from the inside apply the abs glue to fill the gap from outside. Please ensure that the glue is not used unnecessarily. Also make sure that the glue does not leak from the inside of the saddlebag. Give it 30 minutes to dry and you would be amazed with the results.
Another common motorcycle luggage problem is the sagging of saddlebags. This problem is more common in cheap saddlebags made of 2-3 mm leather as opposed to saddlebags made of thick cowhide i.e. 8-12mm in thickness. You can avoid or prolong this problem by buying good saddlebags. Unfortunately this problem occurs in most leather saddlebags over time.
In order to fix sagging saddlebags you would need plastic polystyrene sheets and very strong glue. You can get these sheets and glue from any hardware store in your locality. Once you have both the sheets and glue start by removing the saddlebags from the motorcycle. Then measure the saddlebags and cut an exact replica of the sagging lid or face out of polystyrene sheet. Apply the glue on the sheet and stick it to the saddlebag from inside. In order for the sheet to have a stronger bond with the bag put some weight on the sheet and leaves it over night. Your saddlebags would be ready in the morning.
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By: Harry Alan
Harry Alan has been manufacturing Leather Saddlebags for last 11 years..
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