For those who are apprehensive about riding a motorcycle a great alternative is the electric scooter and with the popularity of these right now it is a good business to get into if you can find a reputable wholesale scooter vendor to buy them from. They are a great option for teenagers instead of a car.
Even though electric scooters are slower than motorcycles you still need to keep safety in mind and always wear a helmet and long sleeve shirts and pants so that in the event that you have an accident or fall off it will help to prevent injury. People tend to think of scooters as a motorized bicycle than as a motor vehicle but the fact is that they are considered a motorized vehicle and in many states you must hold a motorcycle license to be able to legally operate one on the street. You also need to check the laws of your state to see what age one must be to operate one. If you are selling them this is good to know as well.
Another name that the electric scooter may be called is a moped; this is a term that many are familiar with. Unlike gas powered scooters the electric variety is very friendly to the environment and do not pollute the air. The basic features of a scooter are much the same as motorcycles such as the turn signals, brakes, and even the seat. These fun vehicles are a lot easier to learn to ride than motorcycles but do not expect anywhere near the speed. They are designed to be ridden on streets where the speed limits are relatively low. You do not want to ride them on an interstate or highway because you will be going too slow compared to the rest of the traffic.
By now you should be starting to see that selling scooters can be a very profitable business and you can get them wholesale from under two hundred dollars to as high as one thousand depending on what type you go with. There are numerous styles and colors to choose from as well as many different engine sizes. You can also choose stand up or sit down types. The stand up are very popular with young children and teens but for most people they will prefer the sit down variety as they offer much more comfort.
When looking for a wholesale scooter dealer be sure to research them thoroughly by checking out their longevity in business, their standing in the business and try to get testimonials from satisfied clients. Be sure you know up front what their price breaks are for quantities and what their shipping costs are so that you don't have any surprises. You also want to know what kind of warranty and guarantee they offer as well as their return policy.
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By: Gregg Hall
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about wholesale sources as well as wholesale electric scooters at www.buywholesaleclub.com