To avoid getting your wallet unnecessarily drained, keep in mind that when shopping for a good motorcycle, you shouldn't simply look at the flat-out front end price of the bike. Since many dealers will have their front end prices vary, some will seek to make a profit by offering a seemingly rock bottom front end price, but will have other additional fees and charges that will make them a kickback.
These additonal charges have to be factored into the overall price when you compare motorcycle dealer offers, so that you can pick one that will offer the least strain on your budget. These additional areas to look for are the following:
Installment Payment - while the ability to pay for the price of your bike with monthly installments seems to take a huge burden off, as opposed to making a much larger 1-time cash payment or credit charge, look at the terms of payment involved in the installment package. Usually, the overall amount of money you'll be spending will be subtly higher.

Motorcycle Loans - loan programs may seem useful too, but dealerships which offer partnerships with a bank and give you a bank loan option for financing your new motorcycle will usually tack on an added amount into the interest charges of the loan. The banks in these cases often give the dealers a kickback from the additional interest.
Warranties - extended warranties beyond the basic necessities will usually involve extra cash. Check the terms of the warranties including overall price and the duration of the warranty, as well as it's coverage to make sure you get the best possible comprehensive warranty.
Freight, Shipping, and Handling Charges - while seemingly innocuous, quite a few dealers actually subtly hide their additional kickbacks in additional freight charges for delivering your motorcycle. Find out beforehand how much damage (financially speaking) you'll be taking from the dealer for freight.
It is your duty as a consumer to make sure that you get the best possible deal for your money, so being able to detect these little areas where dealers make an extra (at your expense) profit are a must.
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By:Lorna is a keen motorcyclist, and webmistress of The Great Big Motorcycle Shop, where you can find a huge range of motorcycles and scooters, parts and accessories and motorcycle clothing.