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Why Now Is The Time to Buy Your Motorcycle and Cover

by Steve Rivenbark

As spring is upon us and summer is fast approaching, it is apparent that now is a great time for some tremendous motorcycling. As I predicted a couple of months ago, gas has continued to go up in price and is expected to go even higher. We now have a huge oil spill out in the Gulf of Mexico and the well is continuing to leak thousands of barrels per day with more leaks popping up all the time. Even as we feel for the families of the oil drillers that lost their lives, we realize that this is another example of how something that happens that far away still affects us all. Even if the amount of oil produced by that one well was actually insignificant in the full scheme of things, this disaster will just serve as another excuse for the oil companies to hike up the price of gasoline at the pump. It has already gone up over a dime per gallon this week. Unfortunately, this time there may be a "real" reason as they try to recoup some of the money that the well disaster and the resultant clean-up will eventually cost them. However, with a motorcycle, and the wonderful gas mileage, the high price of gas is just one of many positive reasons to own a bike. I used to own a large Cadillac that got about 20 miles to the gallon, which wasn't bad for such a large car. But of course it pales in comparison to the mileage of even a very large motorcycle. Most motorcycles today get well over 50 miles to the gallon.
Of course, with motorcycles, the real thrill is the ride. I've just read that the most famous motorcycle ride, "The Dragon's Tail" just opened back up on April 12, 2010. And, I-40 which gives much easier access to it is scheduled to reopen today, April 27, 2010. Both roads have been closed for months due to rockslides. The Dragon's Tail has 318 turns in just eleven miles and it is actually only 6 miles as the crow flies. Also, very close to that ride is the Cherohala Skyway which takes you by a waterfall and over a dam and up to over 5,000 feet above sea level. So be sure to wear some warm clothes to enjoy that ride. There are a number of great places to stay and visit right along the Tennessee and North Carolina borders. In my opinion, these are some of the prettiest places in the world. I am from North Carolina and now live in Tennessee, so I just can't imagine anything better than these two states.
So, if you don't already own a motorbike to ride on these or other wonderful excursions, now is the time to get out there and take the leap. And, remember that if you want to keep your bike looking new, invest in a quality waterproof motorcycle cover at the same time. It is quite amazing how great some motorbikes look in the showroom and if you want yours to look that way in four or five years, buying a premium motorcycle cover is the way to do it. Of course, it is best to buy both at the same time and not tell yourself that you will get a cover later and then "later" never comes.

About the AuthorSteve Rivenbark Owner of Anytime Motorcycle Covers We are a new business that was founded in 2009 to distribute waterproof motorcycle covers to everyone who needs them. Visit Us at

History of Motorcycle Jackets

..The leather jacket also became a status symbol for the rough crowds who defied societal conventions as depicted in many of the early movies featuring motorcycle gangs. Soon kids' motorcycle jackets started showing up in schools. ..

by: David Jensen

Nearly as long as there have been motorcycles, there have been leather motorcycle jackets. The first motorcycle jackets evolved from the aviator jackets worn by the World War I and World War II fighter pilots. The jackets had narrow collars and were fastened down the front by buttons. At that time, all of the jackets were made of horsehide leather because there was an abundance of this material due to the number of farmers who tended horses. Eventually, the buttons on the motorcycle jacket were replaced by a zipper. Following World War II, aviators commonly took to motorcycles as a way to recapture the exhilaration they experienced as pilots. They continued to wear their same aviator jackets while riding motorcycles.

Marlon Brando epitomized the leather motorcycle jacket when he appeared in the 1953 movie "The Wild One" about two rival motorcycle gangs. Since then, leather jackets became synonymous with motorcycles. The leather jacket also became a status symbol for the rough crowds who defied societal conventions as depicted in many of the early movies featuring motorcycle gangs. Soon kids' motorcycle jackets started showing up in schools. In fact, because of what the jacket represented, most public schools prohibited students from wearing motorcycle apparel on school campuses.

As time went on, the same look and feel of the leather jackets remained. You didn't put on the jacket to be warm; you put it on to be in style with the biking crowd. If you were into biking, you wore a motorcycle jacket. All motorcyclists who rode with clubs sported the jacket to create a sense of camaraderie and belonging. This same attitude toward motorcycle apparel still exists.

Leather jackets eventually shed their outlaw image which created an opportunity for clothing manufacturers to begin creating designs that catered to a more diverse biking population. Kids' motorcycle jackets became common. Women, who once only rode on the back, began piloting their own machines. Leather was still the apparel of choice, but women started donning leather outfits that aligned more with their style and personalities.

The historical black leather jacket is still the most popular form of motorcycle apparel and is unlikely to go out of style. Still, leather jacket designs and fashions are becoming more eclectic and individualistic. Therefore, clothing and apparel designers are creating more varieties in order to keep up with current fashion trends. But the historical sentiment derived from the original aviator-jacket-turned-motorcycle jacket will linger in the hearts of bikers for generations.

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How to Get Your Motorcycle Ready For Spring

by: David Jensen

As the winter starts winding down and the days get longer, you're probably getting eager to don that leather vest and your motorcycle chaps and get out on that first spring road trip. If you live in a place where the winter months are spent under a blanket of snow, then your motorcycle and motorbike gear has likely been sitting dormant for a few months. Just as it is hard for you to put your bike away for winter, the inactivity can be equally taxing on your bike. Rather than revving it up and hitting the road at the first sign of warm weather, you will enjoy safer and more rewarding rides as well as prolong the life of your motorcycle if you properly prepare your bike for the riding season.

A lot of what you do to get your bike and motorbike gear ready for spring depends on what you did to prepare it for winter storage. Your owner's manual has a check list of tasks to complete before you store it. Performing these tasks will make your spring preparation easier and less expensive. You can do much of the maintenance yourself or have a qualified mechanic prepare the engine for use.

During the winter, condensation can build up in your fuel tank and carburetor. This can cause rust and corrosion in your fuel system. Before you put your bike in storage, you probably filled the tank and turned off the petcock (if it has one). Before you turn on the petcock, disconnect the fuel line and drain all the fuel from the tank. Clean the fuel filter and inspect the tank and the carburetor float bowl for rust or corrosion. Replace the fuel line and then fill it with fresh fuel.

If you changed your oil and filter before storing your bike, the oil should be fine. Check the oil to make sure it's clean and free of moisture. Water gives oil a milky appearance which can eventually cause corrosion. If moisture did get into your oil, change it again and replace the filter—even if you changed it right before storing it.

This is a good time to put fresh fluid into the brake master cylinder and check the condition of your brake pads. If they worn or thin, replace them before you go riding very far. Also check the lubrication and the condition of the drive-line, chain, and sprockets. Check and change your fork oil if needed then look for any leaks wherever there is fluid—even minor leaks should be fixed.

Whether you do your own maintenance or use a mechanic, make sure you check the plugs, air filter, carb synch, wheel bearing, spoke tension, tire pressure, and make sure all plugs and fasteners are tight.

Finally, washing and applying a fresh coat of wax to your bike not only keeps it looking good, it can also prevent rust and corrosion from occurring. Thoroughly clean and dry everywhere moisture accumulates.

In addition to your bike, you might want to give your motorbike gear, leather vests, and motorcycle chaps some attention. Properly caring for your leather maintains that classic motorcycle leather look and feel as well as extends the life of your apparel.

If you take the time to properly prepare your motorcycle for riding after storing it, you will enjoy safe and worry-free season of riding. Regular maintenance will also prolong the life of your motorcycle.

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Riding Your Motorcycle in The Rain or Snow

...A rain shower or light snowfall doesn't need to preempt your ride, but there are some precautions you should take to make the ride safer and more enjoyable than the ride would be if you weren't prepared...

by: David Jensen

If you live in a climate where rain and snow are the norm during the winter months, your motorcycle probably spends most of the time in storage while you wait for more favorable riding conditions. Then at the first sign of warm weather, you pull on your leather pants and motorcycle chaps and hit the road ready to inaugurate a new riding season. However, along the way you might discover that the glimmer of sunshine was just a teaser and you find yourself riding in inclement weather. A rain shower or light snowfall doesn't need to preempt your ride, but there are some precautions you should take to make the ride safer and more enjoyable than the ride would be if you weren't prepared. Your motorcycle apparel will offer some protection, but there are some other precautions that you should take before your ride.

If you have never experienced being caught off guard by a sudden downpour without the benefit of a face shield, many riders will attest that those innocent little water droplets sting when they make contact with your face. In this situation, some motorcyclists will tie a bandana across their face to ward off those steely raindrops. If there is a chance that you might encounter some precipitation on your ride, plan ahead by packing a face guard for your helmet. In addition to your leather pants and motorbike gear, pack a rain slicker, gloves or gauntlets, and perhaps a sweatshirt. In a heavy rain storm you might be better off pulling over and waiting out the storm. If this is the case, you will still want to keep warm if you're not near a place where you can go indoors. Your motorcycle apparel can provide some warmth and protection, but you don't know how long you'll be out so it's better to plan ahead with some warmer clothes.

Riding in the rain is more of a discomfort than a safety issue. Still, safety is always a priority when you're riding a motorcycle and the best safety mechanism you have when riding in any kind of weather is your common sense. Begin to apply this common sense even before you begin a ride by checking your tire pressure and the condition of your tire tread. It doesn't need to be raining or snowing for bald tires to become a safety hazard.

When operating any vehicle in the rain or snow, always slow down and allow plenty of space between you and other commuters. This is always recommended, but even more when the roads are wet. Damp roads usually make riding conditions unpredictable. For example, gas and oil are often spilled on the road. Until these spots have been washed away by frequent rain storms, they can be as slick as dry ice. One advantage that you have over dry ice is a light foam forms over an oil spot that is visible at some distance. If you are alert you can easily avoid these spots.

When riding in snow you run the same risks of sliding as you would if you were in a car. Here again, common sense and proper riding techniques (in addition to your motorbike gear and leather pants) can keep you safe and unharmed on a slick road. If you need to stop fast, don't apply your brakes so hard that your front or back wheel locks up. Skidding out of control is inevitable at this point. Instead, apply light, even pressure on your brakes and keep the wheels turning. This will enable you to slow down without losing control of your bike. Also, try not to brake when you round corners. Instead, keep your speed the same and shift your weight to take the corner.

Naturally, you prefer not to ride when there are hazardous road conditions. However when you are on a ride and the weather conditions change, you can still get through the ride safely by staying alert and using safe riding techniques as well as properly outfitting yourself with your motorcycle apparel.

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Helmet Mohawks - Not Your Typical Helmet Decoration

...The helmet mohawk isn't typically worn by the average motorcyclist, and in most cases it takes someone who isn't afraid to step outside of the box to wear one....

by: Matt LeClair

One of the most clever inventions for accessorizing your motorcycle helmet has been the helmet mohawk for a number of reasons including the fact that they help give the rider a sense of uniqueness if he or she is the only one wearing one, they are completely removable unlike stickers or custom paint, and they are a great tool that can be used to make you more visible.

The helmet mohawk isn't typically worn by the average motorcyclist, and in most cases it takes someone who isn't afraid to step outside of the box to wear one. This is where the sense of uniqueness comes into play because chances are you are one among only a few in a large crowd that will be wearing one, so you'll be more recognizable and easily separated from the rest of the group. The helmet mohawk is a great solution for you if you want to show off your personality a little and are not afraid to get a little crazy in order to do so.

Another reason that this product is such a cleaver invention is because it is not a permanent accessory for your helmet, but rather a removable accessory that you can put on and take off whenever you want to. The mohawk is never permanently attached, which means if you're not in the mood to wear it that day, you can simply remove it. This is not possible with helmet stickers or patches since they use adhesive backing to stay attached to the helmet, not suction. You can remove stickers and patches, but not without having to spend a good amount of time doing so.

Finally, helmet mohawks are a great attention grabber, which means that more drivers are likely to notice you on the road, which means that their awareness of you is also going to rise. This will make your riding experience safer because it will be easier to spot you when your wearing this item on your head. There are a number of different colors to choose from when making a purchase including red, green, orange, yellow, blue, pink, and more. Most of these colors are bright so it will be easier for other drivers to notice you. In the end, this is just another way to keep you safe on the open road.

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Preserving Safe Riding With Pre-Ride Motorcycle Checks

by: Matt LeClair
When it comes to getting ready for the motorcycle riding season, you want to make sure that you are as prepared as you possibly can be for each and every trip that you take. The process getting ready for a motorcycle trip involves a number of important steps including making sure your motorcycle is in perfect riding condition, and making sure that you are also prepared for the ride by having the right gear.

After a long winter season with long periods of no riding occurring, you'll want to make sure that your bike is restored to the riding condition it was in when you last rode a few months back. Check the tires, do they have enough pressure? Change to oil to help keep the engine running smoothly. Clean out the fuel system to make sure that your motorcycle is running more efficiently. Also, you'll want to make sure that all electronics, including lights, are working properly so that you don't have to worry about malfunction during your trip.

Once you've determined that your bike is in good riding shape, then you'll want to bring the focus on your own personal riding gear and whether or not you have all of the necessary pieces to stay protected as well as comfortable on your trips.

Some of the more important pieces of gear that you should always keep tabs on are your motorcycle jacket, motorcycle helmet, and motorcycle boots. These are by far the most important pieces of equipment that you can have, so you'll want to make sure that they are in good riding condition. The helmet shield is especially important if you have a full face model. Make sure that you can see clearly through it and that there are no obstructions to your view. Check your jacket to make sure all of the zippers, snaps, and buttons are functioning properly and that there are no tears or cracking in the jacket. If you're helmet has gotten a little dull or boring, you may choose to spice it up a little. Helmet Mohawks are a great way to add a little extra character to a helmet that's lost it's touch over the years.

Following these few simple pre-ride checks will help assure that each and every ride goes smoothly and you can enjoy every moment of them without have to worry about too many of the little details that may arise.

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Tips For Making Yourself More Visible On Your Motorcycle

...Another step you can take to make sure you are visible to others while on your motorcycle is to always wear reflective clothing, not only reflective, but perhaps maybe even some articles of clothing which are brightly colored and easy to see....

by: Matt LeClair

Riding a motorcycle can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for anyone who loves the outdoors and the freedom that is experienced while on a ride, but the typical rider isn't always concerned about how their appearance affects the likelihood of being noticed by others that are sharing the same roadways. This can be a potential hazard if the others sharing the same roadways cannot see you very well.

There are a number of ways that you can avoid not being noticed by other motorcyclists while out on the open road. One way that you can avoid any issues is by making sure that your bike has the proper lighting. The minimal lighting, which most stock motorcycles are equipped with, may not necessarily be enough so you may want to consider adding more headlights if you haven't already. This is particularly true in the daylight when your visibility to others is at its lowest level. More lighting will help to make you more noticeable to others.

Another step you can take to make sure you are visible to others while on your motorcycle is to always wear reflective clothing, not only reflective, but perhaps maybe even some articles of clothing which are brightly colored and easy to see. Colors such as bright orange, red, and green are all very easy to see so if you can incorporate them into your biker wardrobe, then you would become more visible to others that may be sharing the same roadways as you.

Since your helmet is typically the piece of apparel that other drivers are able to see easily, then it would make sense to have some sort of bright coloring incorporated into the design of that helmet. You could also add accessories to your helmet that are brightly colored if the actual color of the helmet is not changeable. Helmet Mohawks are a great accessory that you can add to helmet because they are colorful and can help you stand out.

Before heading out on your next trip, make sure that you are taking the necessary steps to ensure your own safety. Take a step back and ask yourself if you could be easily noticed by others on the road. If you answer no to that question, then you may want to consider using some of the tips mentioned above.

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Skull Caps - Another Great Way To Look Good On Your Motorcycle

..You'll find many different types of skull caps available on the market, which are a single piece of material with that wraps over the top of the head and ties in the back with two material straps that extend downward from the back of the skull cap. ..

by: Matt LeClair

Skull caps can be produced from many types of materials and perhaps one of the more favorable materials is leather because it is very durable and provides extra protection in the wind, rain, and cold temperatures. The only downside to leather skull caps is that they can be a bit heavier than those made from other material. Also, leather tends to hold heat better than other types of material, which means that they might keep you warmer in the cool temps, but they're also going to do the same in hot summer months. Another material that can prevent overheating in the summer time is cotton, which offers a little more flexibility when it comes to customization with regards to graphics and other items.

You'll find many different types of skull caps available on the market, which are a single piece of material with that wraps over the top of the head and ties in the back with two material straps that extend downward from the back of the skull cap. The are some skull caps that are vented which allows for more ventilation for the rider. If you're going for a cooler look and want to add a little class to your wardrobe, you can go with an aviator style skull cap which have more of a sleek design.

When you purchase a skull cap you'll be able to choose from a number of pre-designed styles so that you can find the one that best fits your rider personality. Some of the more popular designs that you'll be able to find on the market include biker crosses in many different colors including white, red, blue, pink, orange, USA flags, POW symbols or MIA symbols, and many more. Skull caps come in a wide range of colors so you can match the cap to the color scheme that you are trying to achieve for your wardrobe.

You'll want to make sure you order the correct size when making your purchase in order to prevent the hassle of having to exchange the item, whether that be with your local shop or online. There are a number of ways that you can go about figuring out the right size for you, but the most popular technique included measuring the diameter of your head at the point where a headband would be worn. Always remember that if your head size happens to be in between measurements on a sizing chart, you'll want to pick the larger of the two to ensure that you have a proper fit. Choosing the smaller size would most likely result in an item that fits too tightly.

The skull cap has been around for a long time, and has taken on many different forms throughout the years. If you're considering purchasing a skull cap, or another item like the helmet mohawk, be sure to take the steps to make sure you get the proper size and style that you are most comfortable with.

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Helmet Mohawk - Choosing The Right One For You

...Another way to decide on which color helmet mohawk is right for you is to figure in the safety factor with regard to your visibility to others. ..

by: Matt LeClair

When it comes to deciding which helmet mohawk you would like to purchase, there really is only one question that you need to answer for yourself and that is, "So what color do I want?". You can buy the helmet mohawk from many different sources online so if you have a preference for one provider, simply visit the website, and select the color that you would like best.

There are a couple of ways that you can decide on the color you are going to purchase. One of the more important factors may be the color scheme of your motorcycle gear. Since many riders are aware of their appearance when out riding, they often try to color coordinate their gear as best as possible. This may be because of a specific brand preference or simply because they care about how they look to others. More importantly, the rider may be trying to coordinate with the color scheme of the motorcycle they are riding. Whatever the case may be, it seems the more prominent factor for deciding on one color over the next is the desire to make one's personal appearance more noticeable from a fashion standpoint than the next.

Another way to decide on which color helmet mohawk is right for you is to figure in the safety factor with regard to your visibility to others. This product not only can make a fashion statement for the rider, but it can also give the rider an increased level of visibility depending on which color is chosen. Since helmet mohawks are positioned on the top of the helmet, which is the highest point on the motorcyclist, they are easily seen by others around the motorcyclist, including oncoming traffic. If you want to be more visible to others, then you'll want to choose a color that is easily noticeable by those around you. Some of the colors that are easily noticed are red, orange, green, and yellow. These are just a handful of the colors that are available, but may be some of the more noticeable colors that you can find. There are other more important factors that will help keep you more noticeable such as lighting, and reflectivity, but the helmet mohawk can definitely help.

When trying to decide which helmet mohawk is right for you, it basically boils down to what is more important to you, fashion or safety, and it is up to you to make the decision that makes the most sense for our situation.

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Interesting Motorcycle Helmet Decor

..If you've been looking for ways to decorate your helmet, then perhaps the few examples that I have given above will help you find what you're looking for,....

by: Matt LeClair

I've seen some pretty interesting things over the years that I have been riding motorcycle and every year that I ride I tend to see something that catches my eye while I'm out for a ride. Over the last couple years I've begun to see more an more different types of items that are being purchased to dress up the motorcycle helmet, and some are more interesting than others to say the least!

Perhaps one of the more bizarre items that I noticed on a motorcycle helmet was a 3 inch long spike which was positioned on the top of the helmet as if it where coming straight up out of the rider's head and helmet. This spike was chrome in color and the helmet was a German style helmet. It certainly caught my eye as I sped passed the oncoming motorcyclist.

Another piece of decor that I couldn't help but notice was a helmet that had muskrat coat or beaver coat, or whatever it was, draped over the top of the helmet as though the rider we're wearing it just like a normal fur hat. I couldn't help but wonder to myself whether or not the helmet covering was purchased from a store that actually sells this type of thing, or if the motorcyclist actually made it himself. I'm guessing the later of the two because I haven't come across anyone selling this type of helmet decor.

Finally, I've also notice that more and more riders are wearing the helmet mohawk, which looks like an actually mohawk, only it's fastened to the top of your helmet. This item just screams for attention since you can't help but notice it when you pass someone wearing one. One thing about the helmet mohawk is true and that is it can certainly help the motorcyclist get the attention of others when it wouldn't have been the case before.

If you've been looking for ways to decorate your helmet, then perhaps the few examples that I have given above will help you find what you're looking for, or at least get you on the path towards what you are looking for.

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Motorcycle Gear - Typical Items You'll Find Motorcyclists Wearing

..Your preference will help you determine which one you are going to go for. The half helmet will give you a little more breathing room and the full face will give you more protection. ...

by: Matt LeClair

When you head out on the open road on your motorcycle either by yourself, with a group of friends, or with a motorcycle club, what do you wear? Do you wear the same thing every time you ride? Are you dressed for safety or are you dressed for looks in order to give yourself a higher quality appearance.

The truth is you can dress for safety and look good at the same time. Let's start from the top and work our way down. There are tons of good looking helmets available on the market today, and there is just about every style that you can think of from full face with breath taking graphics, to the nothing fancy half helmets with gloss black finish. Your preference will help you determine which one you are going to go for. The half helmet will give you a little more breathing room and the full face will give you more protection. Both are available with color coordinated graphics that you can select from to match the rest of your outfit, if that is what you're going for.

Next we have the motorcycle jacket, which also comes with a number of different types and styles that you could select from. The traditional leather is always a popular choice, especially for the cruiser types who enjoy the feeling of a laid back ride without a care in the world. For those that enjoy a more intense and thrilling ride there are jackets which offer more protection, in the means of armor, as well as flexibility which allows you to be able to adjust and move with corners and variable riding positions. Again the type you choose will depend for the most part on your riding style.

From there down we have the legs and feet. Your legs can be covered with leather or leather pants that are designed more for the sporty type of riding. The material for these items will be thick which will help protect you against flying debris and other small items that could puncture your skin. Boots are also a very important piece of gear that you will find the majority of riders wearing as they too offer a great deal of protection from debris as well as the heat the your bike gives off.

Some less traditional items can be found in the rider's arsenal that can help give the rider a little extra attitude. One of these items is the helmet mohawk which attaches to the top of the helmet and looks just like the hair style of a mohawk. This item has become very popular over the last few years.

If you're considering what type of gear you need to purchase before you head out on your motorcycle, hopefully you now have some good ideas.

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Motorcycle Safety Tips

..For a comprehensive site dedicated to motorcycle safety tips, I recommend you visit the Motorcycle Safety Foundation....

by: Richard Condon

Approximately 2,000 US motorcyclists die each year as the result of a motorcycle accident, while another 50,000 are injured each year in traffic collisions. There are a number of ways to mitigate the inherent risks of riding, ranging from driving techniques to safety gear. This is a list of simple ways to significantly improve your safety and the safety of others when riding your motorcycle.

* Take training courses. One of the most effective things a motorcyclist can do is to get professional riding training in an off-street environment. There are courses for beginners, as well as advanced courses in traffic strategies, effective turning, efficient braking, and evasive maneuvering. Ridercourse is one of the best nationally recognized motorcycle safety training organizations. To find a course near you visit their website or call 1-800-446-9227.
* Always wear a helmet. It is important to always wear a helmet as they significantly reduce the likelihood of traumatic brain injury and death in the event of a crash. The best helmets are full coverage. They should fit snugly, but not too tight, and must display a DOT sticker, which confirms that the helmet is compliant with the Department of Transportation's requirements.
* Wear protective clothing. Protective motorcycle jackets, pants, boots and gloves can protect your body from road rash and disfiguration in the event of an accident.
* Wear hi-visibility gear. One of the biggest threats to motorcyclists is automobile drivers. Because of the motorcycle's size and agility, they are more difficult to spot on the road. A hi-visibility, reflective vest will make it much easier to be seen by motorists and thus reduce the likelihood of drivers running into you.
* Protect your eyes and ears. Your windshield alone is not enough protection. Specs of dirt or glass can whip around that barrier and enter your eye at high speeds, causing permanent damage. If your helmet does not have a visor, experts recommend wearing shatter-proof riding goggles. Likewise, experts suggest you protect your hearing from loud engines with ear plugs or noise reduction headsets.

For a comprehensive site dedicated to motorcycle safety tips, I recommend you visit the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

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Used Atvs Have Set Huge Record in Sales in Last Two Years in USA

...These are the off-road vehicles and people prefer them to have at their homes to fulfill their thrill-seeking nature. There are many of the grounds that are specially created for these ATV riders who can have the fun of riding these bikes in rough grounds or even on mountains. ..

by: Amanda Thmopson

The used ATVs are having amazing records of sales in last two years and many of the online Website like Bestusedatv.com has served well in this direction. Many of the models of reputed companies are available in the website and the ATV lovers have enjoyed immensely in this website. Here are some of the reasons that have promoted Used ATV for sale in USA.

All Terrain Vehicles are popular in USA and they are having many of the features that can increase enthusiasm and adventure loving nature of the people. These are the off-road vehicles and people prefer them to have at their homes to fulfill their thrill-seeking nature. There are many of the grounds that are specially created for these ATV riders who can have the fun of riding these bikes in rough grounds or even on mountains. They are just like dirt bikes but need special skill to drive these vehicles along with special kit including pads, gloves and many more.

As we saw, the ATV bikes are popular in the youth and adventure lovers of USA but they are having massive expense as they are never cheaper. The Recession and Slow down has taught the people value of all the saving money. People are not desperate to buy the extravagant products which cost them higher. The ATVs are the vehicles that are used for satisfying hobbies and adventurous nature. This has made the used ATV sale more popular and people can have their hobbies fulfilled in reasonable and affordable prices. The used ATVs are therefore becoming more and more popular in USA. Let us see some of the highlighted reasons of popularity of used ATV.

* Used ATVs are cheaper and affordable

Used ATVs are cheaper and affordable options. These vehicles are having quality features of attracting and convincing ATV lovers to buy them. The used ATVs have made it possible to buy the required vehicles at lower and affordable prices and at the same time nothing is being compromised in the quality of ATVs. This is the prime reason of expansion of sales record of used ATVs.

* Online availability

The Used ATVs are now available on online business easily which has made it possible to have the simplicity and comfort of buying these products. The online sales are being boosted by many of the Website displaying and promoting many of the used ATV dealers and providing them free services of registration, free classifieds, and free displays of their products and also free space to describe their offered products. The leading names in this Website are Bestusedatv.com. This availability has made it possible for the ATV lovers to buy the cheaper and economical deals of used ATVs.

* The widest collection range:

The widest collections of used ATVs have enriched the business of these used ATVs providing online Website and stores. There are many of the brands which are represented in these used ATV sales like Roketa ATVs, Polaris ATVs, Yamaha ATVs, Honda ATVs, Carter Brothers ATVs and hundreds of more models of quality conscious ATVs.

* The diversity of dealers:

The dealers dealing in used ATVs are located at different locations of America. These widespread dealers are mainly representing ATV sales Alabama, Illinois, Florida, Ohio, Georgia and Texas. These state dealers have promoted the used ATV sales by larger advertisements. They also are having huge share in success of Used ATV for sale in alabama in last couple of years.

These are some of the highlighted reasons of sales of used ATVs. Due to all these reasons the used ATVs have been smashed amazingly.

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Motorcycle 101: Hi-Vis Vests

..Unfortunately, even the most conscientious biker cannot control the biggest risk on the road... oblivious automobile drivers. Motorcycles are easy to miss because they are smaller than cars and fit easily in the "blind spot". The agility of motorcycles often surprises unsuspecting drivers...

by: Richard Condon

Motorcycle riding, while incredibly fun, is not without its hazards. In fact, part of the joy of riding is the thrill of danger. But just because the sense of possible danger is exhilarating, doesn't mean you need to behave recklessly. There are many steps motorcyclists can take to improve their safety on the road. Smart cyclists will wear protective gear and learn to use their bike effectively, with proper turning, braking and evasive maneuvering. Unfortunately, even the most conscientious biker cannot control the biggest risk on the road... oblivious automobile drivers. Motorcycles are easy to miss because they are smaller than cars and fit easily in the "blind spot". The agility of motorcycles often surprises unsuspecting drivers. And since motorcycles appear with less frequency on the road, they become a second thought. Many automobile drivers operate in a state of auto-pilot rather than heightened awareness, relying on habit to get them from point A to point B. All of these factors put motorcyclists at risk of being hit by an unaware driver. The best defense against these drivers, is making sure they see you.

The easiest way to increase your visibility on the road is by wearing hi-visibly safety vests. These vests are particularly important if you ride a dark colored bike, as darker hues tend to blend into asphalt. Most motorcyclists notice an immediate change when they start wearing a visibility vest. Drivers notice you more quickly and often give you more room on the road and at intersections. And since most cyclists spend hundreds of dollars on safety gear, such as helmets and jackets, this will be refreshingly inexpensive addition to your riding wardrobe.

The following is a list of things you need to look for when selecting the right hi-vis vest for you.

* Quality construction. A quality vest is constructed of durable materials that can be machine washed. Fasteners such as zippers or snaps need to be easy to manipulate while wearing gloves.
* Bright colors. Vests come in all sorts of bright colors and you can choose whichever suits you based on personal preference. Some believe that bright orange is best because motorists are conditioned to look for orange vests on roadside workers. Others think an unexpected color is better because it catches attention. Certain hues will stand out more when worn against your jacket's color, so try on a few and select the best one for you.
* Reflective strips. Your vest should feature reflective materials. It is recommended that you also purchase reflective arm bands, since the vest will not be able to reflect light on your sides.
* Comfortable fit. The vest should be comfortably snug. If it is loose, it should have adjustable strips that allow you to cinch in. The vest should not restrict movement, so when you try it on, experiment with movements and various stretches.
* Buy two. Always carry a spare vest for passengers. A reflective vest does little good if the back of it is blocked by your riding companion.

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