by: Matt LeClair
I've seen some pretty interesting things over the years that I have been riding motorcycle and every year that I ride I tend to see something that catches my eye while I'm out for a ride. Over the last couple years I've begun to see more an more different types of items that are being purchased to dress up the motorcycle helmet, and some are more interesting than others to say the least!
Perhaps one of the more bizarre items that I noticed on a motorcycle helmet was a 3 inch long spike which was positioned on the top of the helmet as if it where coming straight up out of the rider's head and helmet. This spike was chrome in color and the helmet was a German style helmet. It certainly caught my eye as I sped passed the oncoming motorcyclist.
Another piece of decor that I couldn't help but notice was a helmet that had muskrat coat or beaver coat, or whatever it was, draped over the top of the helmet as though the rider we're wearing it just like a normal fur hat. I couldn't help but wonder to myself whether or not the helmet covering was purchased from a store that actually sells this type of thing, or if the motorcyclist actually made it himself. I'm guessing the later of the two because I haven't come across anyone selling this type of helmet decor.

Finally, I've also notice that more and more riders are wearing the helmet mohawk, which looks like an actually mohawk, only it's fastened to the top of your helmet. This item just screams for attention since you can't help but notice it when you pass someone wearing one. One thing about the helmet mohawk is true and that is it can certainly help the motorcyclist get the attention of others when it wouldn't have been the case before.
If you've been looking for ways to decorate your helmet, then perhaps the few examples that I have given above will help you find what you're looking for, or at least get you on the path towards what you are looking for.
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