by: Matt LeClair
When you head out on the open road on your motorcycle either by yourself, with a group of friends, or with a motorcycle club, what do you wear? Do you wear the same thing every time you ride? Are you dressed for safety or are you dressed for looks in order to give yourself a

The truth is you can dress for safety and look good at the same time. Let's start from the top and work our way down. There are tons of good looking helmets available on the market today, and there is just about every style that you can think of from full face with breath taking graphics, to the nothing fancy half helmets with gloss black finish. Your preference will help you determine which one you are going to go for. The half helmet will give you a little more breathing room and the full face will give you more protection. Both are available with color coordinated graphics that you can select from to match the rest of your outfit, if that is what you're going for.
Next we have the motorcycle jacket, which also comes with a number of different types and styles that you could select from. The traditional leather is always a popular choice, especially for the cruiser types who enjoy the feeling of a laid back ride without a care in the world. For those that enjoy a more intense and thrilling ride there are jackets which offer more protection, in the means of armor, as well as flexibility which allows you to be able to adjust and move with corners and variable riding positions. Again the type you choose will depend for the most part on your riding style.
From there down we have the legs and feet. Your legs can be covered with leather or leather pants that are designed more for the sporty type of riding. The material for these items will be thick which will help protect you against flying debris and other small items that could puncture your skin. Boots are also a very important piece of gear that you will find the majority of riders wearing as they too offer a great deal of protection from debris as well as the heat the your bike gives off.

Some less traditional items can be found in the rider's arsenal that can help give the rider a little extra attitude. One of these items is the helmet mohawk which attaches to the top of the helmet and looks just like the hair style of a mohawk. This item has become very popular over the last few years.
If you're considering what type of gear you need to purchase before you head out on your motorcycle, hopefully you now have some good ideas.
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