When it comes to getting ready for the motorcycle riding season, you wa

After a long winter season with long periods of no riding occurring, you'll want to make sure that your bike is restored to the riding condition it was in when you last rode a few months back. Check the tires, do they have enough pressure? Change to oil to help keep the engine running smoothly. Clean out the fuel system to make sure that your motorcycle is running more efficiently. Also, you'll want to make sure that all electronics, including lights, are working properly so that you don't have to worry about malfunction during your trip.
Once you've determined that your bike is in good riding shape, then you'll want to bring the focus on your own personal riding gear and whether or not you have all of the necessary pieces to stay protected as well as comfortable on your trips.
Some of the more important pieces of gear that you should always keep tabs on are your motorcycle jacket, motorcycle helmet, and motorcycle boots. These are by far the most important pieces of equipment that you can have, so you'll want to make sure that they are in good riding condition. The helmet shield is especially important if you have a full face model. Make sure that you can see clearly through it and that there are no obstructions to your view. Check your jacket to make sure all of the zippers, snaps, and buttons are functioning properly and that there are no tears or cracking in the jacket. If you're helmet has gotten a little dull or boring, you may choose to spice it up a little. Helmet Mohawks are a great way to add a little extra character to a helmet that's lost it's touch over the years.
Following these few simple pre-ride checks will help assure that each and every ride goes smoothly and you can enjoy every moment of them without have to worry about too many of the little details that may arise.
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